Dylan HTTP server, client, tests, and examples.
Full documentation is here: https://package.opendylan.org/http/
To build the documentation from source requires Sphinx, the Furo theme, and sphinx-copybutton.
- ::
- $ pip3 install -U Sphinx furo sphinx-copybutton $ deft update $ make -C documentation html $ deft build http-server-app $ _build/bin/http-server-app -d documentation/build/html
Then navigate to http://localhost:8000 in your browser to view the documentation.
As of Dec 2020 there are serious problems with the tests and many of them hang. Fixing this should be #1 priority.
In any case, to run all the tests:
$ deft build --all $ for suite in common client server; do _build/bin/http-${suite}-test-suite done