Hiya, I'm Dylan! The owner of Tritan Internet and AS393577.
const developer[DylanJames] = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
stuff: ["typescript", "dart", "perl", "go", "nodejs", "mongodb", "docker"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "memes", "backend dev", "bgp"],
technologies: {
discordBot: ["tritan bot"],
frontEnd: {
ts: ["next", "express/ejs", "react", "jquery (yes)", "+ anything"],
css: ["bootstrap", "tailwind"]
backEnd: {
ts: ["anything"],
dart: ["anything"],
go: ["fiber"],
devOps: ["docker🐳", "nginx", "apache", "lightspeed", "azure", "aws", "docker", "kvm"],
databases: ["mongodb", "sqlite", "redis"]
architecture: ["progressive web applications", "single page applications", "backend development"],
currentFocus: ["ur mom lol", "building out our ASN"],
funFact: "I actually do not exist"
Feel free to contact me via email, dylan@tritan.gg.