User Story
- AS A traveler
- I WANT to see the weather forecast
- I WANT to see events listings
- SO THAT I can plan a trip accordingly
Acceptance criteria
- GIVEN a dashboard with form inputs
- WHEN I search for a city
- THEN I am presented with a 5 day weather forecast
- THEN I am presented with a list of events
- WHEN I find what I am looking for
- THEN I can save it to favorites
- WHEN I want to remove something from the favorite's list
- THEN I can click on a button to remove it
Deployment Link: (
Plan an eventful trip given events listings as well as 5 day weather forecast of a given city.
- Ticketmaster Discovery API
- Openweathermap API
- Materialize CSS
Collaboration between Dylan Coito, Manraj Uppal and Ivana Djordjevic.