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Architecture overview

mythz edited this page Mar 5, 2013 · 26 revisions

Ultimately behind-the-scenes ServiceStack is just built on top of Raw ASP.NET IHttpHandler's. Existing abstractions and xmlconfig-encumbered legacy ASP.NET providers have been abandoned, in favour of fresh, simple and clean Caching, Session and Authentication providers all based on clean POCOs, supporting multiple back-ends and all working seamlessly with each other. Our best-practices architecture is purposely kept simple, introduces no new concepts or artificial constructs and can all be eloquently captured in the diagram below:

Server Architecture

ServiceStack Logical Architecture View

Client Architecture

ServiceStack's Message-based design allows us to easily support typed, generic and re-usable Service Clients for all our popular formats:

ServiceStack HTTP Client Architecture

Having all clients share the same interface allow them to be hot-swappable at run-time without code changes and keep them highly testable where the same unit test can also serve as an XML, JSON, JSV, SOAP Integration Test.

By promoting clean (endpoint-ignorant and dependency-free) Service and DTO classes, your web services are instantly re-usable and can be hosted in non-http contexts as well. E.g. The client architecture when one of the built-in MQ Host is enabled:

ServiceStack MQ Client Architecture


The entry point for all ASP.NET and HttpListener requests is in the ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory whose purpose is to return the appropriate IHttpHandler for the incoming request.

There are 2 distinct modes in any ServiceStack application:

  1. AppHost Setup and Configuration - Only done once for all services. Run only once on App StartUp.
  2. Runtime - Run on every request: uses dependencies, plugins, etc. defined in the AppHost. Each new request re-binds all IOC dependencies to a new service instance which gets disposed at the end of each request.

The implementation of this can be visualized below:

ServiceStack Overview

After the IHttpHandler is returned, it gets executed with the current ASP.NET or HttpListener request wrapped in a common IHttpRequest instance.

The implementation of RestHandler shows what happens during a typical ServiceStack request:

ServiceStack Request Pipeline

  1. Getting Started
    1. Create your first webservice
    2. Your first webservice explained
    3. ServiceStack's new API Design
    4. Designing a REST-ful service with ServiceStack
    5. Example Projects Overview
  2. Reference
    1. Order of Operations
    2. The IoC container
    3. Metadata page
    4. Rest, SOAP & default endpoints
    5. SOAP support
    6. Routing
    7. Service return types
    8. Customize HTTP Responses
    9. Plugins
    10. Validation
    11. Error Handling
    12. Security
  3. Clients
    1. Overview
    2. C# client
    3. Silverlight client
    4. JavaScript client
    5. Dart Client
    6. MQ Clients
  4. Formats
    1. Overview
    2. JSON/JSV and XML
    3. ServiceStack's new HTML5 Report Format
    4. ServiceStack's new CSV Format
    5. MessagePack Format
    6. ProtoBuf Format
  5. View Engines 4. Razor & Markdown Razor
    1. Markdown Razor
  6. Hosts
    1. IIS
    2. Self-hosting
    3. Mono
  7. Advanced
    1. Configuration options
    2. Access HTTP specific features in services
    3. Logging
    4. Serialization/deserialization
    5. Request/response filters
    6. Filter attributes
    7. Concurrency Model
    8. Built-in caching options
    9. Built-in profiling
    10. Messaging and Redis
    11. Form Hijacking Prevention
    12. Auto-Mapping
    13. HTTP Utils
    14. Virtual File System
    15. Config API
    16. Physical Project Structure
    17. Modularizing Services
  8. Plugins
    1. Sessions
    2. Authentication/authorization
    3. Request logger
    4. Swagger API
  9. Tests
    1. Testing
    2. HowTo write unit/integration tests
  10. Other Languages
    1. FSharp
    2. VB.NET
  11. Use Cases
    1. Single Page Apps
    2. Azure
    3. Logging
    4. Bundling and Minification
    5. NHibernate
  12. Performance
    1. Real world performance
  13. How To
    1. Sending stream to ServiceStack
    2. Setting UserAgent in ServiceStack JsonServiceClient
    3. ServiceStack adding to allowed file extensions
    4. Default web service page how to
  14. Future
    1. Roadmap
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