Translation files for e-mission-phone
Translated file | Original en version with keys |
DCLocalizable.strings |
e-mission-data-collection-repo, res/ios/en.lproj |
i18n/*.json |
e-mission-phone repo, www/i18n/ |
i18n/intro/*.json |
e-mission-phone repo, www/templates/intro/ |
dc_strings.xml |
e-mission-data-collection-repo, res/android/values |
As OpenPATH expands, we have other internationalizable components as well:
Component | Location | Edit notes |
The join page | | *.json |
The dynamic config | | *.nrel-op.json , select the one for your study or program |
The onboarding survey | | *.xls , load in Enketo Toolbox or edit the Excel file directly per the XLSForms standard |