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Standard-conformant WebAuthn relying party implementation


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warp - WebAuthn Relying Party

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warp is a WebAuthn Relying Party implementation which is intended to be 100% compliant with the W3C WebAuthn Level 1 standard while being HTTP implementation agnostic. It is completely standalone; simply provide your own HTTP server, backend storage and session storage.

Requires Go 1.14+

This library is still pre-v1, and API stability is not guaranteed. The library will adhere to SemVer and Go backward compatibility promises.

Update 2020-04-13 I am about ready to cut a 1.0 release, likely as soon as I finish the TPM attestation format. After running a couple of implementations, I'm fairly confident in the public API as it currently exists. I did look at achieving FIDO2 conformance, but this requires conforming to the FIDO2 Server spec which has some subtle and not-so-subtle changes/requirements on top of WebAuthn. I'll explore adding a FIDO2 compatibility layer in the future either as a part of this library or as a separate library.



  1. You must have Go 1.13+ installed.
  2. Use the go get command to bring the library into your workspace:
$ go get
  1. Import into your code:
import ""

Quick start

By design, warp is not batteries included. Your application must have the following to use warp:

  1. The ability to marshal and unmarshal JSON,
  2. A session or other backend store to store the challenge data,
  3. A config or other struct which implements the RelyingParty interface,
  4. A user store which implements the User interface, and
  5. A credential store which implements the Credential interface.

Starting registration

The user must be known. This example assumes the session store can infer the user from the request.

import (

func StartRegistration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    //get the user data from a session cookie or similar
    session, err := SessionStore.Get(r)
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Bad session data", http.StatusBadRequest)

    //generate a challenge with the user data
    opts, err := warp.StartRegistration(relyingParty, session.User)
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Unable to generate challenge", http.StatusInternalServerError)
    //store the challenge for later verification
    session.Data["creation"] = opts
    http.SetCookie(w, session.Cookie)

    //send the challenge to the client

Finishing registration

The implementation is responsible for parsing an AttestationPublicKeyCredential from the request.

func FinishRegistration(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    //get the user data and challenge from a session cookie or similar
    session, err := SessionStore.Get(r)
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Bad session data", http.StatusBadRequest)

    //get the stored challenge from the session store
    storedOpts, ok := session.Data["creation"]
    if !ok {
        return http.Error(w, "No creation data in session", http.StatusForbidden)
    opts := storedOpts.(PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions)
    //parse the credential sent from the client
    var cred AttestationPublicKeyCredential
    err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&cred)
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Error parsing credential", http.StatusBadRequest)

    //verify the credential against the stored challenge
    attestation, err := warp.FinishRegistration(relyingParty, CredentialStore.Find, &opts, &cred)
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Credential verification failed", http.StatusUnauthorized)

    //store the returned credential
    err := CredentialStore.Store(session.User, attestation)
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Unable to store credential", http.StatusInternalServerError)

    //return success to the client

Starting authentication

The user is only required to be provided for second-factor auth, as long as the session can correlate the authentication start and finish calls.

func StartAuthentication(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    //get or start the session data
    session, err := SessionStore.Get(r)
    if err != nil {
        session = SessionStore.Start(r)

    opts, err := warp.StartAuthentication()
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Unable to generate challenge", http.StatusInternalServerError)

    //store the challenge for later verification
    session.Data["request"] = opts
    http.SetCookie(w, session.Cookie)

    //send the challenge to the client

Finishing authentication

If the user is already known, have the passed UserFinder ignore the ID and just return the known user; otherwise pass a mechanism to look up based on the user handle.

func FinishAuthentication(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    //get or start the session data
    session, err := SessionStore.Get(r)
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Bad session data", http.StatusBadRequest)

    //get the stored challenge from the session store
    storedOpts, ok := session.Data["request"]
    if !ok {
        return http.Error(w, "No request data in session", http.StatusForbidden)
    opts := storedOpts.(PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions)
    //parse the credential sent from the client
    var cred AssertionPublicKeyCredential
    err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&cred)
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Error parsing credential", http.StatusBadRequest)

    //verify the credential
    authData, err := warp.FinishAuthentication(relyingParty, func(_ []byte) (warp.User, error) {
        return session.User, nil
    }, &opts, &cred)
    if err != nil {
        return http.Error(w, "Credential verification failed", http.StatusUnauthorized)
    //update credential info such as signcount
    err := CredentialStore.Update(authData)
    if err != nil {
        //Implementation can decide whether this is a problem or not

    //return success to the client

Design goals

warp was built with the following goals in mind:

  • 100% compliance with the WebAuthn Level 1 specification
  • HTTP implementation agnostic. This library makes no assumptions about the structure or operation of your web application. Use your implementation's canonical method to parse the WebAuthn JSON.
  • No assumptions about application data models. Implement and use the required interfaces wherever is appropriate in your implementation
  • Minimal dependencies outside of the standard library, with those used chosen carefully to keep the dependency tree clean. At the time of this writing, the following external dependencies are used:
  • Simple package structure - just one package to import
  • Structure and member naming parity with the WebAuthn spec, so that you can follow along and understand

Specification coverage

  • Key algorithms:
    • Supported: ES256, ES384, ES512, EdDSA, RS1, RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512
    • To be implemented: None planned
  • Attestation formats
    • Supported: packed, fido-u2f, none
    • To be implemented: tpm, android-key, android-safetynet
  • Defined extensions
    • Supported: appid, txAuthSimple, txAuthGeneric
    • To be implemented: authnSel, exts, uvi, loc, uvm, biometricPerfBounds

High level API

WebAuthn relying parties have two responsibilities: managing the registration ceremony, and managing the authentication ceremony. In order to support these ceremonies, interfaces are defined such that the methods will return the required data.



type RelyingParty interface {
	EntityID() string
	EntityName() string
	EntityIcon() string
	Origin() string

RelyingParty contains all of the non-user-specific data required to be stored or configured by the relying party for use during the registration or authentication ceremonies.

  • EntityID() string: Returns the Relying Party ID, which scopes the credential. Credentials can only be used for authentication with the same entity (identified by RP ID) it was registered with. The RP ID must be equal to or a registrable domain suffix of the origin.
  • EntityName() string: A human-palatable name for the Relying Party.
  • EntityIcon() string: A URL which resolves an image associated with the Relying Party. May be the empty string.
  • Origin() string: The fully qualified origin of the Relying Party.


type User interface {
	EntityName() string
	EntityIcon() string
	EntityID() []byte
	EntityDisplayName() string
	Credentials() map[string]Credential

User contains all of the user-specific information which needs to be stored and provided during the registration and authentication ceremonies.

  • EntityName() string: A human-palatable name for a user account, such as a username or email address
  • EntityIcon() string: A URL which resolves to an image associated with the user. May be the empty string.
  • EntityID() string: The user handle for the account. This should be an opaque byte sequence with a maximum of 64 bytes which does not contain any other identifying information about the user.
  • EntityDisplayName() string: A human-palatable name for a user account, such as a user's full name, intended for display.
  • Credentials() map[string]Credential returns a map of objects which implement the Credential interface. The map is keyed by the base64url-encoded form of the credential ID.


type Credential interface {
	Owner() User
	CredentialID() []byte
	CredentialPublicKey() []byte
	CredentialSignCount() uint

Credential contains the credential-specific information which needs to be stored and provided during the authentication ceremony to verify an authentication assertion.

  • Owner() User: Returns the object implementing the User interface to which this credential belongs.
  • CredentialID() []byte: The raw credential ID.
  • CredentialPublicKey() []byte: The credential public key as returned from FinishRegistration. The key is encoded in the COSE key format, and may vary in size depending on the key algorithm.
  • CredentialSignCount() uint: The stored signature counter. If the credential returns a signature counter that is less than this value, it is evidence of tampering or a duplicated credential, and the authentication ceremony will fail. If you do not wish to verify this, return 0 from this method.

Helper functions


type UserFinder func([]byte) (User, error)

UserFinder defines a function which takes a user handle as an argument and returns an object conforming to the User interface. If the user does not exist in the system, return nil and an appropriate error.


type CredentialFinder func([]byte) (Credential, error)

CredentialFinder defines a function which takes a raw credential ID and returns an object conforming to the Credential interface. If the credential does not exist in the system, return nil and an appropriate error.


type RegistrationValidator func(opts *PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions, cred *AttestationPublicKeyCredential) error

RegistrationValidator defines a function which takes the credential creation options and returned attestation credential, and performs any additional validation desired. Pointers to the two structs are passed so they can be modified if needed. RegistrationValidators are run before any other validations in FinishRegistration


type AuthenticationValidator func(opts *PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions, cred *AssertionPublicKeyCredential) error

AuthenticationValidator defines a function which takes the credential request options and returned assertion credential, and performs any additional validation desired. Pointers to the two structs are passed so they can be modified if needed. AuthenticationValidators are run before any other validations in FinishAuthentication.


Registration flow


func StartRegistration(rp RelyingParty, user User, opts ...Option) (*PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions, error)

StartRegistration begins the registration ceremony by generating a cryptographic challenge and sending it to the client along with information about the user and Relying Party in the form of a PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions object.

The returned object or its data must be stored in the server-side session cache such that it can be reconstructed to pass to the FinishRegistration function.

  • rp: any value which implements the RelyingParty interface.optional if the default port for the scheme is being used.
  • user: any value which implements the User interface.
  • opts: zero or more Option functions to adjust the PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions as needed. These do not need to be set, and likely shouldn't unless you know what you are doing. The following function generators are included:
    • Timeout(uint): Sets the client timeout
    • ExcludeCredentials([]PublicKeyCredentialDescriptors): Provides a list of credentials to exclude
    • AuthenticatorSelection(AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria): Sets the criteria for choosing an authenticator
    • Attestation(AttestationConveyancePreference): Sets the preferred attestation conveyance
    • Extensions(...Extension) takes zero or more Extension which can be used to set WebAuthn client extension inputs
Return values:
  • A pointer to a PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions struct. This value must be marshaled to JSON and returned to the client. It must also be stored in a server-side session cache in order to verify the client's subsequent response. Returns nil on error.
  • An error if there was a problem generating the options struct, or nil on success.


func FinishRegistration(rp RelyingParty, credFinder CredentialFinder, opts *PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions, cred *AttestationPublicKeyCredential, vals ...RegistrationValidator) (*AttestationObject, error)

FinishRegistration completes the registration ceremony, by verifying the public key credential sent by the client against the stored creation options. If the verification is successful, a credential ID and public key are returned which must be stored. It is the responsibility of the implementor to store these and associate with the calling user.

  • rp: An object which implements the RelyingParty interface
  • credFinder: A function conforming to CredentialFinder which is used to check if a credential ID already exists in the system
  • opts: A pointer to the stored PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions which was previously sent to the client
  • cred: The parsed AttestationPublicKeyCredential that was sent from the client in response to the server challenge
  • vals: Additional custom validations to be performed in addition to those required by the specification
Return values:
  • An *AttestationObject which contains all of the information that may need to be stored to authenticate using the credential
  • An error identifying the cause of the registration failure, or nil on success.


Authentication flow


func StartAuthentication(opts ...Option) (*PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions, error)

StartAuthentication starts the authentication ceremony by generating a cryptographic challenge and sending it to the client along with options in the form of a PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions object.

  • opts: zero or more Option functions to adjust the PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions as needed. These do not need to be set, and likely shouldn't unless you know what you are doing. The following function generators are included:
    • Timeout(uint): Sets the client timeout
    • RelyingPartyID(string): Adds the explicit relying party ID to the object
    • AllowCredentials([]PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor): Restrict allowed credentials
    • UserVerification(UserVerificationRequirement): Require user verification (PIN, biometric, etc)
Return values:
  • A pointer to a PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions struct. This value must be marshaled to JSON and returned to the client. It must also be stored in a server-side session cache in order to verify the client's subsequent response. Returns nil on error.
  • An error if there was a problem generating the options struct, or nil on success.


func FinishAuthentication(rp RelyingParty, userFinder UserFinder, opts *PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions, cred *AssertionPublicKeyCredential, vals ...AuthenticationValidator) (*AuthenticatorData, error)

FinishAuthentication completes the authentication ceremony by verifying the signed challenge and credential data with the stored public key for the credential. If the verification is successful, it returns a new signature counter value to be stored, and a nil error. Otherwise, 0 and an error describing the failure are returned. It is the responsibility of the caller to store the updated signature counter if they are choosing to verify this.

  • rp: An object implementing the RelyingParty interface.
  • userFinder: A function conforming to the UserFinder type which accepts a user handle as an argument and returns an object implementing the User interface. If the caller is not implementing the passwordless/single factor flow, the function can ignore the user handle and just return the already-known User.
  • opts: A pointer to the stored PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions which was previously sent to the client.
  • cred: The parsed AssertionPublicKeyCredential that was sent from the client in response to the server challenge.
  • vals: Additional custom validations to be performed in addition to those required by the specification
Return values:
  • An *AuthenticatorData which contains information about the credential used to authenticate; may be used to update stored credential data such as sign count.
  • An error if there was a problem verifying the user, or nil on success


Please read for instructions on contributing to the project.


Thanks to the following who have made contributions to the software or its documentation.


Security vulnerabilities

Given the impact of the authentication flow on the overall security of a project, security vulnerabilities will be taken extremely seriously.

If you discover a security vulnerability, please send an email to instead of opening an issue. Security vulnerabilities will be resolved within 14 days whenever feasible and the reporter and issue details will be acknowledged in the changelog once the code resolving the issue is released.


Copyright (c) 2020 Nick Meyer and contributors.

This project is released under the MIT license


Standard-conformant WebAuthn relying party implementation







No packages published
