Recipe Box is Ruby on Rails application for managing recipes. This project was undertaken primarily for the sake of learning about Rails and web apps in general, but also because the author has a need of such an app.
Your system should have the following installed in order to run this project:
- Ruby >= 2.3.3
- Rails >= 4.2.7
You can find instructions for installing Ruby here and instructions for installing Rails here.
The following steps will allow you to run the app on your local machine:
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
bundle install
- Create and seed the local database:
rake db:create db:schema:load db:seed
- Spin up a Rails server:
rails s
- Navigate to
in a web browser.
- Eric Chadwick
- Danielle Chadwick - UI design input
- Kelly Chadwick - UI design input