Releases: eXascaleInfolab/OvpNMI
Releases · eXascaleInfolab/OvpNMI
Full Overlaps Fixed
- Fixed case of the multiple fully overlapping multiple clusters (GT has the same members from multiple categories /clusters, which happens on type inference or could happen for physical communities) and other border cases of the full match.
- Fixed normalization for the NMI_sqrt and NMI_max.
The binary is build on the Linux Ubuntu 16.04 x64.
NMI_sqrt Added
NMI_sqrt added
The executable is built on Ubuntu x64 16.04
Node Estimation Fixed
- Node estimation fixed to avoid "bad alloc" on memory over reserving
- Minor refinements of notifications and docs
- Common code with GenConvNMI is shared
The executable is built on Ubuntu x64 16.04
Refined Estimation of the Nodes/Clusters Size
- Better estimation of the input nodes and clusters sizes when not specified in the header
- Standard shared CNL header parser
- Membership optional parameter added for more accurate estimation
Executable built on Ubuntu x64 16.04 is attached
Refined Notifications
- Usage applicability outlined in readme (not for the multi-resolution collections)
- Faster collections loading due to the preallocations
- Refined notifications, warning added when the node base is not synced for the evaluating collections
Node Base Synchronization
- Node base synchronization added for the fair evaluation of the top K clusters
- Default output simplified for easier parsing & integration
- Parsing refined
The binary added for the Linux Ubuntu 16.04.1 x64
Coments considered, CNL input added, NMIs output parameterized
- Comments support added (lines started with '#' in default mode, lines reminder for words starting with '#' in the textid mode)
- CNL (cluster node list) format support added (unsigned node ids and optional header)
- The code and description refined
- NMIs output parameterized
- The binary is attached for Linux Ubuntu 16.04.1 x64.