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User Manual

Kalyani123kumari edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Revision History

Version Date Author(s) Description
v1.0 09/11/20 Zaidan Bhat (B18040)
Aakash Maurya (B18042)
Chandan Prakash (B18050)
Kalyani Kumari (B18063)
Mohit Kumar (B18072)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Description
  3. Operating Environment
    3.1. Hardware
    3.2. Software
  4. Instructions


This project create an online platform which is used for online booking of equipments of C4FED and for its better management. It is a PHP based website. SQL database is used to store and retrieve the data.


SlotBooking can be used by several users at the same time. Users access it via a browser. It is intended for novice users and hence has extensive online help and validation of data.The Lab administration use it as a tool to maintain their register for equipment uses and accpet/reject a booking by users.

Operating Environment

3.1. Hardware

SlotBooking requires an entry-level PC for labs with up to 100 equipmemts. Users can use any thing which support browsing.

3.2. Software

The SlotBooking server can run on any recent version of Linux, such as Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora Core, Redhat Enterprise, etc. It requires: 1. Apache 4.5 or later 2. Tomcat 5.6 or later 3. PHP 5.6 The SlotBooking user-interface works with any of the following graphical browsers on any hardware and OS: 1. Firefox 5.0 2. Internet Explorer 7.2 3. Chrome 2.0 4. Safari 3.6 5. Opera 2.3


First clone the git repository to your local machine.
Move the downloaded folder to htdocs folder.
Start the Xampp by sudo /opt/lampp/ command in terminal.
Go to manage servers in xampp and start the Apache web server and MYSQL database.
Make the database schema in phpMyAdmin.
Open the index.php file in your browser.

Clone this wiki locally