A Straightforward web-application where one player can create a lobby and receive a lobby link. This link can be sent to a friend where they can play a game with each other. We are starting with building a simple game of checkers and expanding to more games if time is available.
- vue-js
- 3.js
- go
- Ian Jackson
- Drew Blackman
- Cal Hargis
- Ryan Lee
- Yiqi Wang
- 9-30-2023
- 10-7-2023
- 10-14-2023
- 10-21-2023
- 10-28-2023
- 11-4-2023
- 11-11-2023
- 11-18-2023
- 11-25-2023
- 12-09-2023
Pretty straightforward; an application that allows two users to play games together. A person can create a game, and their friend can join as the opposing player using a link or code provided when the game starts. Players alternate submitting their moves until someone wins.
Ideally there would be several games to play, ranging from the more basic like connect 4 or checkers to the more complicated like scrabble or chess. Perhaps certain games could even allow for more than two players. It's really open to whichever games the developers feel like implementing. While certainly not a novel idea, it seems like a project that would cover many aspects of software development, be relatively easy to scale, and be fun to work on.
Class is in like twenty minutes so I doubt anyone's going to see this, but if you do and you're interested mark below.