MQTT-topics is a code generation library for C++ to handle MQTT topics and make messages parse easier.
Given a topics_tree.jsonc file that describes the topics as a tree structure, it generates two header files (topics.h, message_parser.h) and two source files (topics.cpp, message_parser.cpp), besides creating a CMakeLists.txt file to integrate the code with your main project and a header "mqtt_topics.h".
"<vehicleId>": {
"alias": "VehicleId",
"description": "<vehicleId>",
"qos": 0,
"retain": false,
"subscribe_roles": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "128", "129"],
"publish_roles": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "128", "129"],
"variables": ["vehicleId"],
"sub_topics": {
"data": {
"alias": "Data",
"description": "<vehicleId>/data",
"qos": 0,
"retain": false,
"subscribe_roles": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"],
"publish_roles": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "128", "129"],
"sub_topics": { [...] }
}, [...]
This is an example of topics_tree.jsonc; each topic is described by its name and the the following fields:
- alias: topic's name in CamelCase.
- description: topic's usage description.
- qos: MQTT Quality of Service, can be 0, 1 or 2.
- retain: MQTT retain boolean flag.
- subscribe_roles: users with this role can subscribe to the topic.
- publish_roles: users with this role can publish messages with this topic.
- variables: different values for variable fields can match the same topic.
- sub_topics: topic's subtopics, such as <vehicleId>/data for <vehicleId>.
The generated topics.h header provides the following structures:
enum class Role
role_0 = 0,
role_1 = 1,
Role contains one value for each role used in all subscribe_roles and publish_roles.
enum class Topic
vehicle_id = 0,
data = 1,
Topic contains one value for each topic.
struct TopicMessage
TopicMessage(std::string&& topic, int qos, bool retain);
std::string topic;
int qos;
bool retain;
TopicMessage represents a MQTT message information.
and the following functions:
std::vector<TopicMessage> GetSubscribeTopics(Role role, const std::string& vehicleId, [...]);
std::vector<TopicMessage> GetPublishTopics(Role role, const std::string& vehicleId, [...]);
GetSubscribeTopics returns the topics list a user with the passed role can subscribe to.
GetPublishTopics returns the topics list a user with the passed role can publish to.
bool CanSubscribe(Role role, Topic topic);
bool CanPublish(Role role, Topic topic);
CanSubscribe returns true if a user with the passed role can subscribe to topic.
CanPublish returns true if a user with the passed role can publish to topic.
TopicMessage GetTopic(Topic topic, const std::string& vehicleId = "\<vehicleId>");
TopicMessage GetTopicVehicleId(const std::string& vehicleId);
TopicMessage GetTopicData(const std::string& vehicleId);
GetTopic... functions set can be used to build a TopicMessage with the passed values for variable fields.
The generated message_parser.h header provides the MessageParser class which exposes the following types and methods:
struct Variables
Variables(const std::string& vehicleId, const std::string& deviceId, [...]);
std::string vehicleId;
std::string deviceId;
Variables is used to represent the set of variable fields of all topics.
typedef void (*parse_t)(const std::string& payload, void* argument);
parse_t is the type for parse callback functions; argument is passed through setMessageParse.
MessageParser is the default constructor.
void setMessageParse(Topic topic, parse_t parse, void* argument = nullptr);
setMessageParse is used to set parse as the function callback for the passed topic; argument can be used inside parse implementation.
void parseMessage(const Variables& variables, const std::string& topic, const std::string& payload);
parseMessage matches and calls the previously set parse callback functions, for the message with the passed topic and payload, considering the passed variable fields values.
- Generate the code with: python3 src/generator/ topics_tree_dir output_dir.
- Copy the output directory in your project.
- Add add_subdirectory(path/to/output/directory) to your main CMakeLists.txt.
- Include "mqtt_topics.h" in your files and use the library code.