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Repository that contains my tests with Exoplayer and network videos APIs.

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An application that will show you a streamer's Twitch clips and plays it. You can save comments for a clip and download any clip so you can see it at any time.

This is a proof-of concept on how to perform video downloads with WorkManager's API and Retrofit.

The app follows the MVVM architecture with the repository pattern, alongside Koin for DI.

In the branch 'with-dagger2' you could check the project how are the dependencies injected with Dagger2. The branch implements advices and tips from Fred Porciúncula's talk from the Android Makers 2019 Paris conference. I recommend everyone that wants to understand Dagger2 and learn Dagger2 to see it

The code is well documented when it needs. Otherwise the functions are just one line or their self explain.

If you are here only for the know-how, see the download-video branch. The MainActivity holds the main code for the custom control view of the SimplePlayerView is interactions and the DownloadWorker the download implementation.


After cloning and opening the project, you would need to create the ApiKeys.kt file under the utils folder, and add your proper Client-ID and Client-Secret from the Twitch API. Create a variable named TWITCH_CLIENT_ID and a variable named CLIENT_SECRET in the ApiKeys file.


Folder structure

There are 5 main folders: app, db, ui, utils.

  • app: Contains Application and dependencies related stuff, such as Koin Modules, API and local models, workers, etc.
  • db: Contains the Room database related stuff, such as Entities and Daos.
  • ui: Contains the Activities, Dialogs, Fragments and ViewHolder used across the App. If you don't see a view_holder, then the View is probably using an Epoxy is auto data-binding generated model
  • utils: Contains utilities, views and base classes, function extensions.
  • viewmodels: Contains the ViewModels used across the App.


I made this app for practice/professional purposes, but PR's are welcome!

Libraries and other stuff applied

  • Koin for dependency injection.
  • Exoplayer + custom controls views.
  • Auto-playing feature.
  • ViewPager2.
  • Room.
  • Data binding.
  • Material Components.
  • ViewModel and LiveData.
  • Jetpack navigation.
  • Coroutines.
  • Dagger2 for dependency injection (with-dagger branch).
  • Assisted injection (with-dagger branch).
  • Retrofit for REST API communication and to perform downloads.
  • WorkManager + Coroutines + Notifications.
  • Injection in a Work (with-dagger branch and main branch).
  • Epoxy.
  • MVVM architecture + Repository pattern.
  • State handling on configuration changes.
  • Test:
    • MockK.
    • Kakao.
    • Espresso.
    • Hamcrest.
    • Fragment-testing.


For unit tests, run gradlew test command. For instrumentation tests, run gradlew connectedAndroidTest command.

Check the app!

You could download the .apk file from the release tab.