In your Serverless project root directory, run:
sls module install
add the following env vars in your /back/.env
copy the following code (provide your own numbers) to /back/modules/serverless-twilio/send/event.json
"send": {
"to": "+1234567890”,
"from": "+1234567890”,
"body": "Serverless Apps are cool!"
run the following for local testing and select the function:
sls function run
Tadaa! it works! ;)
set the the env vars:
sls env set -k ACCOUNT_SID -v XXX
sls env set -k AUTH_TOKEN -v XXX
select & deploy the function:
sls function deploy
select & deploy the endpoint:
sls endpoint deploy
Now it's deployed! Just make a POST request with the above event data to the provided endpoint to try it out.
Have fun!