All the code related to the "Estimating Accuracy from Unlabeled Data" papers is included in the
package. There are currently 4 approaches for unsupervised accuracy estimation:
- Majority vote based approach, implemented in the
class. - Agreement rates based approach described in [1] and implemented in the
class. - Bayesian approaches described in [2] and implemented in the
, andHierarchicalCoupledBayesianIntegrator
classes. - Logic approach described in [3] and implemented in the
All of these classes implement the same abstract class, Integrator
. In order to construct an Integrator
object you
need to use the corresponding Builder
class (it is an inner class in all the integrator implementation classes -- for
more information on the software structure, look into the
builder design pattern). The following line
of code creates an instance of the BayesianIntegrator
Integrator integrator = new BayesianIntegrator.Builder(predictedData)
The predictedData
variable in that line is an instance of Integrator.Data<Integrator.Data.PredictedInstance>
. Each
instance can be constructed as follows:
PredictedInstance predictedInstance = new PredictedInstance(id, label, functionId, value);
is a makina.learn.classification.Label
instance that only requires a String
name for the label to be
constructed, functionId
is the function/classifier/human ID, value
is a value in [0,1]
equal to the probability
of the instance with ID id
being assigned label label
Finally, an Integrator.Data<Integrator.Data.PredictedInstance>
can be constructed using a
The integrator classes also support a command line interface. Given that the library JAR file is called makina.jar
the command-line interface can be used as follows:
usage: java -cp makina.jar makina.learn.classification.reflection.Integrator -d <arg> [-e <arg>] [-h] [-i <arg>] [-m
<arg>] [-o <arg>]
This command can be used to estimate the accuracies (or equivalently, the error rates) of multiple
functions/classifiers/humans with binary responses, using only unsupervisedor semi-supervised data.
-d,--dataFile <arg> Data file location. Supported file extensions are "protobin" and "csv".
-e,--errorRatesFile <arg> Output error rates file location. Supported file extensions are "protobin" and "csv".
-h,--help Prints this message.
-i,--integratedDataFile <arg> Output integrated data file location. Supported file extensions are "protobin" and
-m,--method <arg> Method to use (defaults to BI). Currently supported methods include: (i) "MVI", the
majority vote integrator, (ii) "AI", the agreement based integrator, (iii) "BI", the
Bayesian integrator, (iv) "CBI", the coupled Bayesian integrator, (v) "HCBI", the
hierarchical coupled Bayesian integrator, and (vi) "LI", the logic based integrator.
-o,--options <arg> Additional options to use for the chosen method. Each method supports a different set
of options, all included in a single string and separated using the ":" character.
Options may not be set by using the "-" character in place of a value. Boolean values
can be set using "1" for "true" and "0" for "false". The specific options allowed for
each method are listed here (the default value for each parameter is shown in
parentheses): (i) "MVI": no options, (ii) "AI": [highest order of agreement rates to
use (all)]:[boolean value indicating to only use even-sized subsets of functions for
agreement rates (1)], (iii) "BI": [number of burn-in samples (4000)]:[number of
thinning samples (10)]:[number of samples (200)]:[labels prior alpha parameter
(1.0)]:[labels prior beta parameter (1.0)]:[error rates prior alpha parameter
(1.0)]:[error rates prior beta parameter (2.0)], (iv) "CBI": [number of burn-in samples
(4000)]:[number of thinning samples (10)]:[number of samples (200)]:[Dirichlet Process
alpha parameter (1.0)]:[labels prior alpha parameter (1.0)]:[labels prior beta
parameter (1.0)]:[error rates prior alpha parameter (1.0)]:[error rates prior beta
parameter (2.0)], (v) "HCBI": [number of burn-in samples (4000)]:[number of thinning
samples (10)]:[number of samples (200)]:[hierarchical Dirichlet Process alpha parameter
(1.0)]:[hierarchical [Dirichlet Process gamma parameter (1.0)]:[labels prior alpha
parameter (1.0)]:[labels prior beta parameter (1.0)]:[error rates prior alpha parameter
(1.0)]:[error rates prior beta parameter (2.0)], (vi) "LI": no options.
For more information refer to the readme file at
An example use of this command is:
java -cp makina.jar makina.learn.classification.reflection.Integrator -d input_data.csv -e error_rates.csv -i integrated_data.csv -m BI -o 4000:10:200:-:-:-:-
The two supported data formats are the Protocol Buffers binary format which can be written to and read from using the
automatically generated IntegratorProtos
class in the makina.learn.classification.reflection
package, and the CSV
data format. There are three possible CSV format files, one for each different kind of information that can be stored.
The first one is for predicted data instances (e.g., the input data and the integrated output data) and each line is
formatted as follows:
In this case, VALUE
corresponds to the probability that the function with ID FUNCTION_ID
assigns to the data
instance with ID ID
for having label LABEL
assigned to it. The second one is for observed data instances (i.e.,
supervised data instances) and each line is formatted as follows:
In this case, VALUE
corresponds to the boolean observed label (1
for true
and 0
for false
) for label LABEL
and data instance with ID ID
. Finally, the third kind of information is the error rates information. In that case,
each line is formatted as follows:
In this case, VALUE
corresponds to the error rate of the function with ID FUNCTION_ID
, for label LABEL
- Emmanouil A. Platanios, Avrim Blum, and Tom Mitchell, Estimating Accuracy from Unlabeled Data, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2014.
- Emmanouil A. Platanios, Avinava Dubey, and Tom Mitchell, Estimating Accuracy from Unlabeled Data: A Bayesian Approach, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2016.