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Editing this wiki locally

Marc Dutoo edited this page Mar 27, 2014 · 9 revisions

Editing this wiki locally

To edit this wiki locally (and upload files such as images...), merely use git :

git clone
# then edit / add / remove files, commit and push

Deploying this wiki locally

In order to more easily work on this wiki with the editor of your choice, you can install locally the engine behind Github's wiki system.


  • Ruby


  1. Install build prerequisites libxml2-dev and libxslt1-dev (these are the package names on Ubuntu 12.04).
  2. Install Gollum and its Markdown parser: sudo gem install gollum redcarpet
  3. Clone the EasySOA wiki (which is itself a Git repository): git clone
  4. From the folder where you cloned the wiki, run: gollum
  5. Go to http://localhost:4567 to browse your local version to the wiki.
  6. Edit the .md files, commit them, preview them and push!


  • Q: The pages are not updated after I edit them.
    • A: The engine use the HEAD commit from your repository. Did you commit your changes? (a fast way to do so is to use git commit -am "edit")
  • Q: Nested lists don't appear as expected on the local version.
    • A: Try to add "li ul { margin-left: 20px !important; }" to /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/gollum-2.0.0/lib/gollum/frontend/public/gollum/css/template.css.
Clone this wiki locally