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Releases: easystats/performance

performance 0.13.0

15 Jan 14:40
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Breaking changes

  • check_outliers() with method = "optics" now returns a further refined
    cluster selection, by passing the optics_xi argument to dbscan::extractXi().

  • Deprecated arguments and alias-function-names have been removed.

  • Argument names in check_model() that refer to plot-aesthetics (like
    dot_size) are now harmonized across easystats packages, meaning that
    these have been renamed. They now follow the pattern aesthetic_type, e.g.
    size_dot (instead of dot_size).


  • Increased accuracy for check_convergence() for glmmTMB models.

  • r2() and r2_mcfadden() now support beta-binomial (non-mixed) models from
    package glmmTMB.

  • An as.numeric() resp. as.double() method for objects of class
    performance_roc was added.

  • Improved documentation for performance_roc().

Bug fixes

  • check_outliers() did not warn that no numeric variables were found when only
    the response variable was numeric, but all relevant predictors were not.

  • check_collinearity() did not work for glmmTMB models when zero-inflation
    component was set to ~0.

performance 0.12.4

18 Oct 18:40
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  • check_dag() now also checks for colliders, and suggests removing it in the
    printed output.

  • Minor revisions to the printed output of check_dag().

Bug fixes

  • Fixed failing tests that broke due to changes in latest glmmTMB update.

performance 0.12.3

02 Sep 18:04
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New functions

  • check_dag(), to check DAGs for correct adjustment sets.


  • check_heterogeneity_bias() gets a nested argument. Furthermore, by can
    specify more than one variable, meaning that nested or cross-classified
    model designs can also be tested for heterogeneity bias.

performance 0.12.2

18 Jul 12:59
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Patch release, to ensure that performance runs with older version of
datawizard on Mac OSX with R (old-release).

performance 0.12.1

15 Jul 17:00
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  • icc() and r2_nakagawa() get a null_model argument. This can be useful
    when computing R2 or ICC for mixed models, where the internal computation of
    the null model fails, or when you already have fit the null model and want
    to save time.

  • icc() and r2_nakagawa() get a approximation argument indicating the
    approximation method for the distribution-specific (residual) variance. See
    Nakagawa et al. 2017 for details.

  • icc() and r2_nakagawa() get a model_component argument indicating the
    component for zero-inflation or hurdle models.

  • performance_rmse() (resp. rmse()) can now compute analytical and
    bootstrapped confidence intervals. The function gains following new arguments:
    ci, ci_method and iterations.

  • New function r2_ferrari() to compute Ferrari & Cribari-Neto's R2 for
    generalized linear models, in particular beta-regression.

  • Improved documentation of some functions.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in check_model() when model contained a transformed response
    variable that was named like a valid R function name (e.g., lm(log(lapply) ~ x),
    when data contained a variable named lapply).

  • Fixed issue in check_predictions() for linear models when response was
    transformed as ratio (e.g. lm(succes/trials ~ x)).

  • Fixed issue in r2_bayes() for mixed models from rstanarm.

performance 0.12.0

09 Jun 06:43
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  • Aliases posterior_predictive_check() and check_posterior_predictions() for
    check_predictions() are deprecated.

  • Arguments named group or group_by will be deprecated in a future release.
    Please use by instead. This affects check_heterogeneity_bias() in


  • Improved documentation and new vignettes added.

  • check_model() gets a base_size argument, to set the base font size for plots.

  • check_predictions() for stanreg and brmsfit models now returns plots in
    the usual style as for other models and no longer returns plots from

  • Updated the trained model that is used to prediction distributions in

Bug fixes

  • check_model() now falls back on normal Q-Q plots when a model is not supported
    by the DHARMa package and simulated residuals cannot be calculated.

performance 0.11.0

23 Mar 08:06
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New supported models

  • Rudimentary support for models of class serp from package serp.

New functions

  • simulate_residuals() and check_residuals(), to simulate and check residuals
    from generalized linear (mixed) models. Simulating residuals is based on the
    DHARMa package, and objects returned by simulate_residuals() inherit from
    the DHARMa class, and thus can be used with any functions from the DHARMa
    package. However, there are also implementations in the performance package,
    such as check_overdispersion(), check_zeroinflation(), check_outliers()
    or check_model().

  • Plots for check_model() have been improved. The Q-Q plots are now based
    on simulated residuals from the DHARMa package for non-Gaussian models, thus
    providing more accurate and informative plots. The half-normal QQ plot for
    generalized linear models can still be obtained by setting the new argument
    residual_type = "normal".

  • Following functions now support simulated residuals (from simulate_residuals())
    resp. objects returned from DHARMa::simulateResiduals():

    • check_overdispersion()
    • check_zeroinflation()
    • check_outliers()
    • check_model()


  • Improved error messages for check_model() when QQ-plots cannot be created.

  • check_distribution() is more stable for possibly sparse data.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in check_normality() for t-tests.

  • Fixed issue in check_itemscale() for data frame inputs, when factor_index
    was not a named vector.

performance 0.10.9

17 Feb 18:09
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  • r2() for models of class glmmTMB without random effects now returns the
    correct r-squared value for non-mixed models.

  • check_itemscale() now also accepts data frames as input. In this case,
    factor_index must be specified, which must be a numeric vector of same
    length as number of columns in x, where each element is the index of the
    factor to which the respective column in x.

  • check_itemscale() gets a print_html() method.

  • Clarification in the documentation of the estimator argument for

  • Improved plots for overdispersion-checks for negative-binomial models from
    package glmmTMB (affects check_overdispersion() and check_mnodel()).

  • Improved detection rates for singularity in check_singularity() for models
    from package glmmTMB.

  • For model of class glmmTMB, deviance residuals are now used in the
    check_model() plot.

  • Improved (better to understand) error messages for check_model(),
    check_collinearity() and check_outliers() for models with non-numeric
    response variables.

  • r2_kullback() now gives an informative error for non-supported models.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in binned_residuals() for models with binary outcome, where
    in rare occasions empty bins could occur.

  • performance_score() should no longer fail for models where scoring rules
    can't be calculated. Instead, an informative message is returned.

  • check_outliers() now properly accept the percentage_central argument when
    using the "mcd" method.

  • Fixed edge cases in check_collinearity() and check_outliers() for models
    with response variables of classes Date, POSIXct, POSIXlt or difftime.

  • Fixed issue with check_model() for models of package quantreg.

performance 0.10.8

30 Oct 09:25
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  • Changed behaviour of check_predictions() for models from binomial family,
    to get comparable plots for different ways of outcome specification. Now,
    if the outcome is a proportion, or defined as matrix of trials and successes,
    the produced plots are the same (because the models should be the same, too).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed CRAN check errors.

  • Fixed issue with binned_residuals() for models with binomial family, where
    the outcome was a proportion.

performance 0.10.7

28 Oct 06:47
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Breaking changes

  • binned_residuals() gains a few new arguments to control the residuals used
    for the test, as well as different options to calculate confidence intervals
    (namely, ci_type, residuals, ci and iterations). The default values
    to compute binned residuals have changed. Default residuals are now "deviance"
    residuals (and no longer "response" residuals). Default confidence intervals
    are now "exact" intervals (and no longer based on Gaussian approximation).
    Use ci_type = "gaussian" and residuals = "response" to get the old defaults.

Changes to functions

  • binned_residuals() - like check_model() - gains a show_dots argument to
    show or hide data points that lie inside error bounds. This is particular
    useful for models with many observations, where generating the plot would be
    very slow.