$ gem install active_merchant_first_data
require "active_merchant_first_data"
gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::FirstDataGateway.new(
pem: File.read("1234567_keystore.pem"),
pem_password: "5x64jq8n234c"
# Authorize for 10 euros (1000 euro cents)
response = gateway.authorize(1000, client_ip_addr: '')
# Use this url to enter credit card data
# Capture the money
gateway.capture(1000, response.authorization, client_ip_addr: '')
Generate a new certificate
$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout spec/certs/1234567_key.pem -out spec/certs/1234567_req.pem -subj "/C=lv/O=example.com/CN=1234567" -outform PEM Enter PEM pass phrase: 81f174259v45
Copy the 3 files you received in e-mail to
:1234567.pem 1234567_certificate_chain.p7.pem ECOMM.pem
Convert the certificates and keys to
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -in spec/certs/1234567.pem -out spec/certs/1234567_keystore.p12 -certfile spec/certs/ECOMM.pem -inkey spec/certs/1234567_key.pem Enter pass phrase for 1234567_key.pem: 81f174259v45 Enter Export Password: <empty>
$ openssl pkcs12 -in spec/certs/1234567_keystore.p12 > spec/certs/1234567_keystore.pem Enter Import Password: <empty> Enter PEM pass phrase: 5x64jq8n234c
Perhaps the best way to mock responses in tests is to disallow remote connections altogether and then control what responses specific requests receive.
For example, to mock response to the #purchase
request with WebMock you'd:
before do
body = {
"TRANSACTION_ID" => "e+oClP4em8uBDozaZ4CBBbipEcM="
}.merge(options).map{ |k, v| "#{k}: #{v}" }.join("\n")
WebMock.stub_request(:post, %r'firstdata.lv').
with(body: hash_including("command" => "v")).
to_return(body: body)
Peruse first_data_gateway.rb
to find out which command letters map to which methods.
Additionally, have a look at spec/cassettes
for response body examples.