Check out this Colaboratory notebook for the exercises!
- Press "Open in Playground" under the toolbar in order to make edits.
- You will have to be signed into your Google Account to run the notebook.
If you are having technical difficulties or prefer running locally, no problem!
Go to "File > Download .ipynb"
. Locally, you don't need to run the cells with following
lines of code:
from google.colab import files
Just make sure that the WAV files are in the same directory as the notebook.
Accompanying slides can be found here!
You can request for the solutions here or by emailing me: ebezzam[at]gmail[dot]com
Make sure you have the packages specified in requirements.txt
and pyserial
are only needed for the NeoPixels demo.
Once you have completed the following functions from the notebook:
Copy them to the
You can then run
to test the Whistle Detector!
A command line prompt will appear; you can press "r+Enter"
to record
yourself and see if you can match the "passphrase".
You should hear a bell if you whistled the correct tune and a buzzer if not.
If you have an Arduino and a NeoPixels 60 LED Ring,
you can run
for a whistle detector that provides visual
feedback (green for correct, red for incorrect). You will first have to flash
your Arduino with neopixels_firmware/neopixels_firmware.ino
Think you got it right but it's not detecting the melody? Or perhaps your detection thinks everything is correct (false positives).
You can tune the whistle detector by adjusting the following parameters:
at the top of thedemo_*.py
scripts. A lower value will be more selective, while a higher value will yield a less strict detector.PEAK_WIDTH
in theutils.transcribe
Otherwise, you can tune your own whistling ;)
Workshop content is modified from material by Paolo Prandoni.
WAV file sources:
- In workshop: from Paolo Prandoni
- Bell sound:
- Buzzer sound: