Vivado/Vitis version management tool for Linux like pyenv
Vivado/Vitis must be installed in /tools/Xilinx/Vivado
and /tools/Xilinx/Vitis
Please install via go install
go install
and open your .zshrc
, .bashrc
, or .bash_profile
and add the following line:
eval "$(xienv init -)"
xienv global 2020.2 # set global version
xienv local 2020.2 # set project-local version (written to .xienv-version)
xienv versions # list installed versions
# run Vivado/Vitis with global/local version
# If both global and local versions are set, the local version is used.
# If both global and local versions are not set, the latest version is used.
# If some commands are not found, please contact me.
# Workaround:
xienv-run vivado