Releases: eblur/newdust
Release for Corrales et al. (2023)
Latest version of Corrales et al. (2016, 2023) extinction and scattering halo calculation tool for astrophysical particulates (previously This code has been updated 2016-2022 to write and read FITS table data for easy recall of calculations, make fake images of X-ray dust scattering halos and echoes, and was updated in Summer 2022 to utilize the astropy.units library to easily change the units of input quantities for calcuation.
Can read and write halo files
New feature for writing Halo objects to a FITS file, Halo.write(filename). Can also load Halo objects from file using Halo(from_file=filename).
beta release
Preliminary beta release of eblur/newdust
Can calculate extinction curves and scattering halos from power law dust grain size distributions, single grains, or power law with and exponential cut-off
Graphite and silicate grains supported. Optical constants come from Draine 2003.
Still working on functions that save tables and interpolate between them.