Code for "A revised view of correspondences between large language models and brains".
Required packages can be installed using the environment.yaml file.
Our code relies on an edited version of himalaya and LMMS. To use this code, clone our custom himalaya and LMMS repo and pip install.
To construct the y matrix from the .nc files, use the create_y_matrix notebook within the format_neural_data_folder.
All code to generate model activations is located in the generate activations folder.
The LLM script creates activations for LLM models, and the OASM and simple_features notebooks
creates the activations for OASM and the simple models.
To fit banded regressions in figures 4 and 5, activations are combined using the notebooks located in the stack_features folder.
The main function is himalaya_regression_caller, located within This function can be called from the command line using the file, or imported into a notebook.
himalaya_regression_caller relies on code from neural_dat_funcs, which generates train/val/test splits for each neural dataset and then calls run_himalayas (located near the end of to get the regression results.
All results are saved to results_all/results_dataset, where dataset is specified by the user. The three possible datasets which were used in the paper, are pereira, fedorenko, and blank.
All figures are created in the analyze_results/figures_code folder. We provide a separate script to generate the results for each figures.