These snippets provide access to common functionality for tab completion of Ember JS code. The snippets have been optimized and formatted for Ember App Kit syntax and module exports.
Type out the snippet shortcut and press tab
to expand the snippet.
Continue to tab through the snippet to edit segments within the snippet.
cd ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages
git clone
Restart Sublime Text 2
Start using text snippets.
- eak-acceptance-test ⇥
- eak-api-stub ⇥
- eak-app ⇥
- eak-component ⇥
- eak-cp ⇥
- eak-controller ⇥
- eak-grunt-task ⇥
- eak-helper ⇥
- eak-initializer ⇥
- eak-mixin ⇥
- eak-model-ed ⇥
- eak-model-em ⇥
- eak-model-epf ⇥
- eak-model-generic ⇥
- eak-object ⇥
- eak-observer ⇥
- eak-route ⇥
- eak-router ⇥
- eak-store-create ⇥
- eak-store ⇥
- eak-unit-test ⇥
- eak-utility ⇥
- eak-view ⇥
- hbs-script-tag ⇥
- hbs-action ⇥
- hbs-each ⇥
- hbs-eachelse ⇥
- hbs-if ⇥
- hbs-ifelse ⇥
- hbs-link-to ⇥
- hbs-partial ⇥
- hbs-unless ⇥
- hbs-view ⇥
- hbs-script-tag ⇥
Please submit an issue or pull request with the example snippet or raw code snippet included
Things to consider:
- Try to make snippet syntactically complete but minimalist outline of functionality.
- Be mindful of the tab completion order, think about how a user might construct this snippet.
- Resuse common variable names or elements inside the snippet to reduce typing
- Snippet should both save time and provide user with useful example syntax.
- Try to adhere to latest idomatic standards for Ember App Kit and the Ember JS API.
- Use logical prefix in tab trigger (eak, hbs, coffee) so that common snippets are grouped together.
Below is an example of a complete snippet. This one create a utility function for EAK.
* @method ${1:utilityName}
* @param {${5:String}} ${2:input} ${4:TODO: Needs documentation...}
function ${1:utilityName}(${2:input}) {
// Do something with ${2:input}
var ${3:transform} = ${2:input} + "foo";
return ${3:transform};
export default ${1:utilityName};
<description>EAK Utility Method</description>
To use this snippet in Sublime Text 2
type eak-utility
press tab to expand, and then continue to tab through and complete the different segments of the snippet.