This project is still under heavy development.
The gradle-golang plugin is is designed to give you the power of a professional build tool (in this case Gradle) to build, test (and other great stuff) with your go code. And this without pain of think about the correct installation go sdk, set the right environment variables, download dependencies, ...
- Build your whole project
- Automatically download dependencies (if required by your code or your used external packages)
- Pinning of external dependencies to specific versions, tags, ...
- No pre installed go toolchain is required - only a working JDK (in minimum version 1.7).
- Automatically download go toolchain and build it for all target platforms
- Very easy cross-compile
- Automatically download and build go tools
- Choice to build in the default system
or in a temporary one to do not influence your build result - Test target package and all used packages of your code
- Create test coverage report (one report for all packages)
- Create JUnit Report files for better interoperability with continues integration systems etc.
... and the best: Gradle already provides you a lot of other great plugins to help you managing your project like:
- gradle-release - Create release on your SCM and prepare next version including tests, build, etc ...
- gradle-github-plugin - Upload build artifacts on your GitHub release page.
Find more plugins on Gradle plugin repository.
To determinate the current released version please refer our gradle plugin page.
Plugin dependency for your build.gradle
plugins {
// Use this variant if you use this as primary plugin
// In this case every task is simply named like: build, clean, test, ...
id 'org.echocat.golang' version '<latest version of this plugin>'
// Use this variant if you use this as secondary plugin
// for example if you also use Java in this build file.
// In this case every task is simply named like: golangBuild, golangClean, golangTest, ...
id 'org.echocat.golang-minor' version '<latest version of this plugin>'
- Gradle wrapper script or Gradle (minimum 3.2.1)
- Java (minimum 7)
See Quick start for information how to install requirements.
Ensure that a working JDK is installed. type
java -version
on your shell. If the result is NOT a minimum of 7 please go to Oracle JDK download page and download the latest version or use your favorite package manager to install it. -
Download and extract into root directory of your project.
To use the Gradle Wrapper is the recommend solution because there is not requirement of other tools. All is shipped with the your project (excluding the JDK). Other way is install Gradle direct on your computer.
in root directory of your project with the following content:plugins { id 'org.echocat.golang' version '<latest version of this plugin>' } group '' golang { // Set default platforms to build but make it overwritable via -Dplatforms=<..> platforms = System.getProperty("platforms", "linux-amd64,windows-amd64,darwin-amd64") dependencies { build '' test '' } }
Now just run
# On Linux and macOS ./gradlew build # On Windows gradlew build
Now your whole project will be build and the output binaries are located under
. In this example you can expect the binaries forlinux-amd64
// Package name of your project.
// Example:
group = '' // String - REQUIRED (if golang.packageName is not set)
golang {
// Platform of the building host.
hostPlatform = '<automatically detected>' // Platform
// Comma separated list of platforms to build
// If you want multiplatform build just use for example:
// 'linux-386,linux-amd64,windows-386,windows-amd64,darwin-amd64'
platforms = '<by default same as hostPlatform>' // []Platform
// Overwrite the package name of 'group' - be useful for overriding settings for
// specific tasks.
packageName = '<same as group>' // String
// Location where to place the go toolchain and other assets temporarily
cacheRoot = '<home directory>/.go' // Path
dependencies {
// Here you can specify dependencies in Golang familiar way
// configuration:
// * build: Required for build and testing
// * test: Required only for test
// * tool: Tool required only while build process
// packageName: Name of package to import. Should be the same as used in source code for import.
// version: Can identify the branchname, commit revisions, ... of a package.
<configuration> '<packageName>[:<version>]'
// Example: build ''
// ...
// Dependency required only for testing
test '<package name>[:<version>]'
// ...
// Tool dependency required only while build process
tool '<package name>[:<version>]'
// ...
// If true it will always download every dependency also if there are no updates available.
forceUpdate = false // Boolean
// If true it will delete unknown dependencies on clean task.
deleteUnknownDependencies = true // Boolean
// If true it will delete all dependencies on clean task.
deleteAllCachedDependenciesOnClean = false // Boolean
// Directory where to cache all dependencies in.
dependencyCache = 'vendor' // Path
// Method to register other VCS Repository provider that are not already supported by this plugin.
// vcsType: One of 'git', 'bzr', 'hg' or 'svn'
// prefix: Dependency prefix that identifies this provider.
// IMPORTANT: Add a slash as suffix.
// name: Name of this provider for display in logs etc.
// dependencyPattern: Regular expression (Java compatible) that should match the whole dependency and
// provides a submatch named <root> which matches the base of the dependency
// and another submatch named <subPath> that matches potential sub paths.
vcsRepositoryProvider('<vcsType>', '<prefix>', '<name>', '<dependencyPattern>')
// Example:
// vcsRepositoryProvider('git', '', 'GitHub', '^(?<root>github\\.com/[A-Za-z0-9_.\\-]+/[A-Za-z0-9_.\\-]+)(?<subPath>/[A-Za-z0-9_.\\-]+)*\$')
build {
// GOPATH to use for build.
// Will be replaced with a temporary one if useTemporaryGopath is set to true.
gopath = '<GOPATH from environment>' // []Path
// If enabled a temporary GOPATH is created to build in.
useTemporaryGopath = true // Boolean
// Is used to identify sources to be processed
includes = [] // []String
// Is used to identify sources to be NOT processed
excludes = ['.git/**', '.svn/**', 'build.gradle', 'build/**', '.gradle/**', 'gradle/**'] // []String
// Optional arguments to pass to go build tool
arguments = [] // []String
// Name of the generated output filename.
// Placeholders:
// * %{platform} - Platform name like 'linux-amd64'
// * %{extension} - Platform specific executable extension like on Windows='.exe' or Linux=''
// * %{separator} - Separator in paths like on Linux='/' or Windows='\'
// * %{pathSeparator} - Separator to split paths like on Linux=':' or Windows=';'
outputFilenamePattern = 'build/out/<project name>-%{platform}%{extension}' // String
// Definitions to pass to ld
definitions = [] // [String]String
testing {
// If true no tests will be executed.
skip = false // Boolean
// Explicit packages to test
// If provided 'includes' and 'excludes' will be ignored.
packages = [] // []String
// Searches in this directories for test go sources to be tested.
includes = [] // []String
// Do not searches in this directories for test go sources to be tested.
excludes = [] // []String
// Optional arguments to pass to the go test tool
arguments = [] // []String
// Optional arguments to pass to the go test itself
testArguments = [] // []String
// Write a coverage profile to the file after all tests have passed.
// Force call "go test" with "-cover" flag.
coverProfile = null // Path
// Write a coverage profile as HTML to the file after all tests have passed.
// Force call "go test" with "-cover" flag.
coverProfileHtml = null // Path
// Will write the test output in the specified file.
// If set to null this file will not be written.
log = "<buildDir>/testing/test.log" // Path
// Will write the test output in JUnit report format in the specified file.
// If set to null this file will not be written.
junitReport = "<buildDir>/testing/junit_report.xml" // Path
toolchain {
// Always build toolchain also if already there and working
forceBuildToolchain = false // Boolean
// Used go version
goversion = 'go1.8' // String
// Used GOROOT. This will normally automated detected by validate task
goroot = '<automatically detected>' // Path
// Use cgo or not
cgoEnabled = false // Boolean
// Used GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP. This will normally automated detected by validate task
bootstrapGoroot = '<automatically detected>' // Path
// Location where to download bootstrap toolchain and target toolchain
downloadUriRoot = '' // URI
dependencies {
// Here you can define dependencies in Gradle familiar way.
// In this context it is not possible to provide all possible variables and you have to provide more
// meta information than under "golang.dependencies".
// configuration:
// * build: Required for build and testing
// * test: Required only for test
// * tool: Tool required only while build process
// packageName: It is required to split the package up to meet default Gradle behaviours.
// Example: "" -> ""
// version: Identifies the version of the dependency package to use. If you want to use the default one
// provide the special keyword "default".
<configuration> '<providerPartOfPackageName>:<restOfPackageName>:<version>'
// Example: build ''
// ...
Run tasks using...
# On Linux and macOS
./gradlew <task> [...]
# On Windows
gradlew <task> [...]
Hint: Do not forget that every tasks listed here is prefixed with
and the next letter is capitalized if you use the minor variant of this plugin.
Build the source code of your project and create binaries for it under build/out/
Depends on: validate
, prepareToolchain
, prepareSources
, test
, getTools
Clean all generated artifacts by your build including not referenced dependencies.
Depends on: validate
Download and build required tools.
Depends on: validate
, prepareToolchain
Process sources and copy it to location for building (if required).
Depends on: validate
Download go bootstrap toolchain (if not available on host) and build go toolchain for all target and host platforms.
Depends on: validate
Executes all tests of the target package and depended source packages. Optionally create coverage profile in go format
and HTML. Test output will be located under build/testing/
Depends on: validate
, prepareToolchain
, prepareSources
, getTools
Detect parameters of the whole host system relative to the configuration and resolve missing parameters. Every other tasks needs this task to work.
At the end of build.gradle
// ...
// Create new task based on the GolangTask support implementation
class VetTask extends org.echocat.gradle.plugins.golang.tasks.GolangTask {
void run() {
// Create a new executor that will execute to configured go binary with the actual logger
// To use the "toolchain.goBinary" is required because this plugin will download
// and configure Go by itself and respect characteristic of every platform.
// If you use "logger" you can see the stdout of the command with "gradle --info"
// ... every output that was logged to stderr will be logged also without "--info" to
// WARN level.
// You can omit "logger" if you only want to see output in case of errors.
org.echocat.gradle.plugins.golang.utils.Executor.executor(toolchain.goBinary, logger)
// Provide the command the resolved GOROOT.
// Do not resolve it by your own. Trust the plugin way because it respects
// characteristic of every platform.
.env("GOROOT", toolchain.goroot)
// Provide the command the resolved GOPATH.
// Do not resolve it by your own. Trust the plugin way because it respects
// characteristic of every platform and also handle temporary and separated
// environments...
.env("GOPATH", build.gopath)
// Provide the arguments for the command....
.arguments("vet", "-x", golang.packageName)
// Execute everything. If it fails (with some exit code not equal to 0) the
// whole build process will be fail also.
// Create this as a new Gradle task
task vet(type: VetTask)
// Make test task depend on this task. This will cause in every moment you
// call "gradle test" also vet is called.
test.dependsOn vet
In the dependencies section of your build.gradle
// ...
golang {
// ...
dependencies {
// ...
// This will download and build the golint tool on build of this project
tool ''
// ...
At the end of build.gradle
// ...
class LintTask extends org.echocat.gradle.plugins.golang.tasks.GolangTask {
void run() {
// Create a new executor that will call the downloaded and build tool.
// Tool binaries are generally located under:
// <project dir>/build/<tool package name><executable suffix>
// On Linux/macOS the suffix is empty - but on Windows ".exe": So never forget to append
// ${toolchain.executableSuffix} to executable string.
.env("GOROOT", toolchain.goroot)
.env("GOPATH", build.gopath)
// "-set_exit_status" will force lint to fail with exit code 1 if any violation
// is found. This will cause the build process to fail in this case.
.arguments("-set_exit_status", golang.packageName)
task lint(type: LintTask)
test.dependsOn lint
gradle-golang-plugin is an open source project of echocat. So if you want to make this project even better, you can contribute to this project on Github by fork us.
If you commit code to this project you have to accept that this code will be released under the license of this project.
See LICENSE file.