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ECMWF aerosols optics package


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Tool to calculate optical properties of atmospheric particles and store as netcdf files. It is designed to support different methodologies and input information for each specie uses human-readable files. The tool also can produce input netcdf files for the aerosols optical models used by IFS numerical weather prediction model and IFS/CAMs.


  • This software is licensed by ECMWF with an APACHE license. Please check file LICENSE file in main directory.

Contact Info

  • Please contact with with any queries or bug fixes, but note that ECMWF does not commit to providing support to users of this software.

  • Authors: Ramiro Checa-Garcia (with contributions of other authors via Mie Scattering Codes as described in individual files in engine directory)

  • Contacts:

  • Contributors:

    • Tim Stockdale : for testing/comments.
    • Robin Hogan : for testing/comments.
    • Samuel Remy : info of several optical models.

External codes included/used:

  • Currently, the code uses the following Fortran codes:
    • Mie-Code: originally developed by Olivier Boucher. This code has been modified to be modular and a ISO-C-binnding has been added. With the new modular structure tests for the series of coefficients an and bn, as well as, single sphere has been added.


     v0.8     Translated from Julia version
     v0.9     Updated the format for config files, added makefile and testing framework.
     v1.0     Added IFS-CY49R1 with updated optical models from S. Remy
     v1.1     Added optical automatic plot functionality per specie of optical properties 
              in the setting files. 
     v1.16    Several fixes of issues reported by Tim.
     v1.20    Added the output of the phase matrix in per-specie netcdf files. Improved metadata
              in IFS netcdf with all species.

How to install

To have a working version of this tool the steps are (after clonning this repository):

make build

Note that need python3 with the standard library and following external libraries, numpy, toml and netcdf4 plus nco tools. If you are working in an HPC system is likely that this would work:

module load python3
module load nco

We recommend run once the test to check that everthing is working properly. This is just calculating for few wavelengths 3 cases: an externally mixed aerosol with 3 components, an soluble aerosol and an insolube aerosol.

./ecaeropt -i  # this show simple checks of mie-scatt code for monodisperse case.
make test      # tests including 3 kind of aerosols (about 10 minutes in a desktop computer 2023)

How to run

Create standard IFS model netcdf files

To build ifs standard files you may just type (script using SBATCH is implemented, you may need to adapt to your specific computer setup)

make ifs-CY46R1
make ifs-CY48R1
make ifs-CY49R1    

in both cases the log files with be stored in logs/ directory. The final netcdf will be stored at: outputnc/store_ifsnc/

Important: these make will clean (remove) ancillary files in tmp and outputnc/*.nc (but not output/store_ifsnc/)

Custom calculations

For this you can use directly the tool, you can access to the description of the run options with

./ecaeropt -h 

remember that:

  • a configuration file (CONFIG-FILE) describes a calculation of optical properties of a single aerosol species
  • a setting files (SETTING-FILE) describes a more complex calculation: mixed aerosols, several single species and storage all in a single netcdf.
  • you can create also setting files to perform automatic tests. Everthing will be described in documentation.


You can have access to a more detailed documentation, by default make build will create a documentation and a link in the main folder named docs.html which you can open with any browser (ex. > firefox docs.html). You can also build documentation directly with make docum. Note that you need to have sphinx installed (the python library).

How to contribute

You can use the code and report any issue or propose any new feature. Please, check also the documentation you can open the file docs/build/html/index.html


ECMWF aerosols optics package







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