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Repository of


  • Django (Python)
  • PostgreSQL
  • LESS (use node.js Grunt or Compass to compile CSS)

Environment Requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


We use PostgreSQL: For OSX we recommend: See for a bit of setup info. Basically:

$ sudo su - postgres
$ createuser django -P # enter password, answer no to all questions
$ createdb -E utf8 -O django ecobasa -T template0

As user posgres, you might have to check /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf if the TYPE 'local' for USER 'all' has METHOD set to 'md5' .

Afterwards you should be able to bootstrap the database as your normal user:

$ ./ syncdb --noinput
$ ./ migrate
$ ./ createsuperuser

Note: Running syncdb with --noinput is important, as otherwise setting up the superuser will fail due to tables which would only be created at migration time.


Before running in production mode, you should collect the static files:

$ ./ collectstatic

which will collect all apps' static files into the directory static/ .

Run it:

$ ./ runserver

Set up your Django site

For some features, e.g. user registration to work properly, it is necessary to set up a Django site, go to http://localhost:8000/admin/sites/site/1/ and edit the appropriate domain and display name (use the super user account created earlier to log in).

If you don't have a site defined in your database and django wants to reference it, you will need to create one.

From a python shell :

$ from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
$ new_site = Site.objects.create(domain='', name='')
$ print

Now set that site ID in your to SITE_ID

Set up the special group

Edit your local for ECOBASA_SPECIAL_COSINNUS_GROUP to point to the primary key of the special group every pioneer will become a member of and whose blog posts are exposed. You will have to do that after setting up the group in the admin interface.

We use LESS - CSS has to be compiled

You can use grunt with node.js. Package.json will install all necessary dependencies, just type $ npm install

If you then type grunt, there is a watcher running that automatically compiles the less of static/sass/main.scss to static/css/main.css