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redux-thunk like dispatching with optimistic UI supported


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redux-optimistic-thunk is a redux redux-thunk like middleware with optimistic UI supported.

Why this middleware

There are plenty of middleware for optimistic UI in redux ecosystem, such as redux-optimistic and redux-optimistic-ui, but both of them comes with several shortcomings:

  • They try to mix some properties in your plain action objects, this makes a high invasive design of your app, you should be aware of optimistic transactions everywhere and it's hard to conditionally decide to be optimistic or not.
  • They make developers manage transaction id themselves, if a complex business logic spreads over more than one functions, it is not a good experience to keep the transaction id in sync.
  • They take a commit-or-rollback term as its general design, however optimistic UI is not as simple as a transaction, for example, one may mark a newly created item pending when it's in an optimistic state to prevent user delete it. In fact both optimistic action and non-optimistic (actual) action are simple logics, they can be identical or different from each other.

In these cases, we decide to create a simpler and business-centric middleware to support optimistic UI development.

How this middleware works

redux-optimistic-thunk is generally combined with 2 parts:

  1. A middleware that handles optimistic action.
  2. A higher order function to create reducer for optimistic UI.

The middleware consumes a special type of action (like redux-thunks consumes actions of type function), a optimistic action must be an array includes exactly 2 functions (thunks):

  1. The first function is exactly the same as what you will pass to redux-thunk, we call it a actual thunk.
  2. The second function is also a thunk accepting (dispatch, getState, [extraArgument])as arguments, but it's used for dispatching actions to produce optimistic states, we call it optimistic thunk.

As you see, all two functions are simple thunks so you can write whatever code for the well known redux-thunk middleware, redux-optimistic-thunk handles actual and optimistic thunks implicitly, creates state save point, applies optimistic actions, rollback them when actual thunk dispatches actual actions, it takes no effect on your action objects, and it is easy to remove optimistic UI (just delete the second item of array) or to conditionally choose whether to be optimistic (reuse the first item of array).

How to use

Create your store

Use of redux-optimistic-thunk is quite simple, you should apply the provided middleware and reducers:

import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux';
import {optimisticThunk, createOptimisticReducer} from 'redux-optimistic-thunk';

let reducer = (state, action) => (action.type === 'PUSH' ? state.concat(action.value) : state);
let store = createStore(
    createOptimisticReducer(reducer), // Wrap your reducer in createOptimisticReducer
    applyMiddleware(optimisticThunk()) // Apply middleware

Note that different from redux-thunk, the export of redux-optimistic-thunk is a function which returns a middleware, so instead of applyMiddleware(optimisticThunk), you should have a extra invocation applyMiddleware(optimisticThunk()), you can provide an extraArgument on invocation like applyMiddleware(optimisticThunk(api)).

After middleware is applied, just wrap your reducer into the createOptimisticReducer function redux-optimistic-thunk provides, wrapped reducer adds optimistic state rollback ability to your store, it is a must.

Write your thunk

Suppose our requirement is adding a newly submitted todo to list immediately (optimistically) before it is saved in server, however the optimistic todo cannot be deleted before it completes persistence:

// action/todo.js

import {addLog} from './log';
import {warn} from './modal';
import {saveTodo} from '../api';

let newTodo = todo => ({type: 'NEW_TODO', todo: todo});

// A optimistic action consists of 2 thunks
let createTodo = todo => [
    // The first thunk (actual thunk) contains your actual business logic
    async dispatch => {
        // Any sync dispatches will apply first
        dispatch(addLog(`Submitted ${todo.title} task`));

        try {
            // Async logic goes here
            let createdTodo = await saveTodo(todo);

            // The first async dispatch rollbacks actions produced by optimistic thunk,
            // it will rollback your state to the point **after** "Submitted xxx task" log
            dispatch(addLog(`Created ${createdTodo.title} task`));
            dispatch(newTodo(createdTodo)); // No pending mark so the actually persisted todo can be deleted
        catch (ex) {
            dispatch(warn(`Failed to create ${todo.title} task`));

    // The second thunk (optimistic thunk) dispatches actions to produce optimistic states
    dispatch => {
        // Optimistic thunk must be sync, any async dispatch throws error
        dispatch(addLog(`Created ${todo.title} task`));
        dispatch(newTodo({...todo, pending: true})); // Add a pending mark, disable the delete button if pending

It's simple, you just write 2 blocks of business logic, no extra properties to your plain action object, no transaction id and commit/revert signals.

Determine whether state is optimistic

redux-optimistic-thunk adds an optimistic property to your state, this property is initialized as false.

Whenever a plain object action is dispatched from an optimistic thunk, the optimistic property is set to true, it will return to false when all dispatched optimistic actions have been rollbacked, so it's possible to either use getState().optimistic in thunk/middleware or use state.optimistic in reducer to resolve whether the state is optimistic.


Actual thunk must make async dispatch

An async call to dispatch function provided to actual thunk is the only way to tell redux-optimistic-thunk to rollback optimistic state, so if your actual thunk - in some cases - does not call dispatch after the thunk function returns, the optimistic state will never be rollbacked, this can lead to a damaged state.

This can usually happen in lack of error handling:

let createTodo = todo => [
    async dispatch => {
        let createdTodo = await saveTodo(todo);


    dispatch => dispatch(newTodo({...todo, pending: true}));

Since the actual thunk does not handle any errors from server response, it is possible that no async dispatch calls will be made if server returns a 50x or 40x response, in this case a optimistic pending todo will live in todo list forever, the entire application state is always optimistic.

If - for some reason - you cannot dispatch any action asynchronously in actual thunk, just call dispatch function provided to actual thunk without any argument, this dispatch function can properly "swallow" undefined action and correctly rollback optimistic states:

let createTodo = todo => [
    async dispatch => {
        try {
            let createdTodo = await saveTodo(todo);

        catch (ex) {
            // OK we don't want to handle errors, so just call dispatch with no argument

    dispatch => dispatch(newTodo({...todo, pending: true}));

The order of middleware

Internally when redux-optimistic-thunk rollbacks your state and re-applies actions, instead of calling the global dispatch function it invokes the next function in middleware, so any middleware placed before redux-optimistic-thunk will not receive any re-applied action.

To ensure all actions - either dispatched by user or re-applied by redux-optimistic-thunk - can be received, a middleware must be placed after optimisticThunk() in applyMiddleware function.

Special action types

In order to rollback state and mark state as optimistic, redux-optimistic-thunk will dispatch some special types of actions, these actions have a type prefixed with @@redux-optimistic-thunk/, it is encouraged that any middleware and reducers should ignore these special actions.

Nested thunk

redux-optimistic-thunk keeps in track of the first async call to dispatch function provided to actual thunk and will rollback optimistic thunk in this point, even the first call is to dispatch a nested thunk (when combined with redux-thunk), the rollback will be landed, so any optimistic state produced from corresponding optimistic thunk will lost, this is currently by design.

Run example

From running CLI example you could have an overview on how redux-optimistic-thunk manages your state:

npm install
npm run start-cli

See test/cli/main.js for detail code.

Running react example will provide you a more practical app:

npm install
npm run start-react

Follow the instructions on webpage to test optimistic UI effects.

Change Log


  • Refreshed build with single rollup.
  • The es module version is now located at dist/index.mjs.
  • Add "sideEffects": false to package.json.


redux-thunk like dispatching with optimistic UI supported







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