This is source code for slution project
Table of contents
- repository/repos.yaml
- addons.yaml
- custom-addons
apt-get install git
Git Aggregator:
pip3 install git-aggregator
Click Odoo Conrib:
pip3 install click-odoo-contrib
- Define branch/pr/commit need to merge code from github remote in file repository/repos.yaml
- Define module need to install in file addons.yaml
- Define git config (git config --global "" && git config --global "Your Name")
- Go to folder repository and type command "gitaggregate -c repos.yaml" for merge code (Check error if there are any error please fix it in repos.yaml and type command again)
- All repository will store in folder repository (you can check it by type command "ls")
- Out from folder repository and type commend "python3" for selected some module from folder repository defined in addons.yaml (the system will generate folder auto-addons automatically and all selected addons will be in this)
- Project specific module will be in folder custom-addons
- In odoo.conf please specific addons_path with custom-addons and auto-addons
- Restart odoo service
- Check for module code changed by type command "click-odoo-update -c <config file path> -d <database name> --ignore-core-addons --list-only --logfile /var/log/odoo-update.log" after that see in /var/log/odoo-update.log you will see all module need to update without actually updating them
- If you need to update all module code changed just type command "click-odoo-update -c <config file path> -d <database name> --ignore-core-addons --logfile /var/log/odoo-update.log" after that see in /var/log/odoo-update.log you will see log for updating module