HPC-connect project is a parallel framework that exploits GPUs to accelerate the Massive MIMO detection physical layer. To this aim, the project introduces a scalable non-linear approach, called the GPU-Multi-Level approach, that can support a massive number of antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver.
HPC_connect is a collaboration between the Extreme Computing Research Center (ECRC) and the Communication Theory Lab (CTL) at KAUST. Its main goal is to reduce the latency requirements of next-generation wireless communication networks. More specifically, the project goal is to provide full HPC-based massive-MIMO physical layers (channel estimation, detection, precoding), which helps the deployment of a massive number of antennas in Next-G basestation while operating within the power budget of the basestation.
We use cmake@3.21.0, MKL, and cuBLAS to build the code.
module load cuda/11.4
module load mkl/2020.0.166
make -f makefile
For older GPU architectures update the makefile accordengly. For instance: CC= nvcc -v -gencode arch=compute_35,...
To execute the code please specify the MIMO configuration in Execution_script_multi_level.sh
bash Execution_script_multi_level.sh