This 10,000th iteration of this site is built using the Pelican static site generator.
Clone the site.
Create the virtualenv, source, and install pelican
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.3 pelican
pyenv local pelican
pip install pelican markdown sass
- Compile the Sass to CSS
sass --watch theme/static/sass/collector.sass:theme/static/css/output.css
- Do the site generation
pelican content
- Run the server
cd ~/projects/yoursite/output
python -m pelican.server
- Navigate to
It's best to run the server from a separate terminal as it will reload on changes, which is handy!
- iWeb (lol)
- Wordpress
- Drupal (that didn't stick)
- Different Wordpress
- I know, I'll write my own static site generator in Scala! (lol, no)
- Jekyll
- Pelican