This repository is dedicated to the Movie recommendation system which designed and developed by Python3 and the data which used in this project is based on the provided dataset by Kaggle, You could find the required dataset at .
The first thing for this project is knowing the dataset that we need, among all csv files which provided by Kaggle all we need is credits.csv, keywords.csv, links.csv, links_small.csv, movies_metadata.csv, ratings_small.csv
This code uses demographic filtering and content filtering to recommend movies on the web page. Flask API is used to deploy model on website.
Here is the list of dependecies which used in this project and how you could them:
pip install numpy pip install pandas pip install matplotlib pip install scipy pip install ast # this dependecy is already covered by python3 pip install sklearn pip install nltk pip install flask pip install warnings # this dependecy is already covered by python3
Onece the dependencies are installed properly you could run the webapp file with this command python3
This recommendation system is working based on three categories which are based on popularity,genere and content