Converts infix notation single-digit operations to postfix notation using predictive parsing.
- Example of valid expression: 1+3/4%3+(2-1)
- Example of invalid expression: 1+23/3
College project for Programming Languages Class
- What is Predictive Parsing? ->
- expr → operation rest
- rest → + operation {print (‘+’)} rest | - operation {print (‘-’)} rest | ε
- operation → operand rest2
- rest2 → * operand {print (‘*’)} rest2 | / operand {print (‘/’)} rest2 | ε
- operand → factor rest3
- rest3 → % factor {print (‘*’)} | ε
- factor → digit | ( expr )
- digit → 0 {print(‘0’)} (where 0 can be any digit from 0 to 9)