This is a demo app that shows how to use
- powerom - the orm
- powerormfaker - generate dummy data for the orm models
- powerform - create forms based on the orm models
- powerormdebugger - toolbar to get sqls statements run bt the orm.
It does not use any frameworks just a straight plain php project for easier understanding.
This demo uses the development version of the orm branch 1.1.0.x-dev.
This explains why you will find some new features on this demo.
git clone
Get into the powercomponents folder and run to get the dependencies.
composer update
This downloads all the libraries this application depends on.
All configs are found under app/Config/powerorm.php
create database called powerormcomponents
and update the database configurations to work with your database.
Once the database is created you will have to create tables that this app uses. To do this simple run
php pmanager migrate
To use the exact data i'm using for this examples on your database.
Run this command to have powerormfaker generate the exact data.
php pmanager faker:generatedata -r 50 -s 123456
All code samples are located under app/
The application use the builtin php server, to start using
php -S