This is a tool that allows automatic backups using rsnapshot when the external backup drive or remote backup media is connected.
Although the ideal setup would be to have periodic backups on a system that is always online, this is not always possible. But when the connection is done, the backup should start fairly quickly and should respect the daily/weekly/... schedules of rsnapshot so that it accurately represents history.
In other words, if you backup to an external drive or to some
network/internet connected storage that you don't expect to
have always connected (which is is case with laptops) you can
use occasional_rsnapshot
to make sure your data is backed
up when the backup storage is connected.
is appropriate for:
- laptops backing up on:
- a NAS on the home LAN or
- a remote or an internet hosted storage location
- systems making backups online (storage mounted locally somehow)
- systems doing backups on an external drive that is not always connected to the system
The only caveat is that all of these must be mounted in the
local file system tree somehow by any arbitrary tool,
or rsnapshot
do not care, as long as
the files are mounted.
So if you find yourself in a simillar situation, this script might help you to easily do backups in spite of the occasional availability of the backup media, instead of no backups at all. You can even trigger backups semi-automatically when you remember to or decide is time to backup, by simply pulging in your USB backup HDD.
Install rsnapshot
and make sure your rsnapshot configuration
file contains the stanza below so no backup is tried when the
backup media is not mounted:
no_create_root 1
Note: rsnapshot.conf
uses tabs as separators between the
option and the value, so copying the line above from this file
into your rsnapshot.conf
might not yeld the expected
Then run occasional_rsnapshot
with the 'rsnapshot.conf'
file as parameter.
occasional_rsnapshot /path/to/rsnapshot.conf
Note: Optionally, if you want to check first what would be
done, you can pass the --debug
option and see what decisions
would make. When using this option
will not be called at all.
occasional_rsnapshot --debug /path/to/rsnapshot.conf
tries to find snapshot_root
based on
the information in the configuration file, then, if found, it
analyzes its contents and based on the options in the
file and the status of the snapshot_root
it starts the appropriate backups which are detected as
necessary, for all the enabled intervals.
If occasional_rsnapshot
does not find snapshot_root
directory, it will terminate silently, since it assumes the
backup media is not mounted.
Copy the script to an appropriate place and add a line simillar to this to your crontab for automatic running:
*/5 * * * * /home/eddy/bin/occasional_rsnapshot /home/eddy/etc/rsnapshot/local.conf
This will run the script every 5 minutes.
The script is smart enough to exit silently when appropriate:
- when other instance of rsnapshot for the same config file is running
- when the drive is not connected
- when the time passed since the last backup is not above the minimum interval set by the rsnapshot configuration file
This means that the script does the right thing at all times, even if called repeatedly.
Since rsnapshot
uses rsync
for the backup and rsync
not encrypt the files on the backup media, a way to implement
encrypted backups is to encrypt the source files which
You can use encfs --reverse
to transparently obtain an
ecrypted version of your source filesystem. After that, change
your backup
stanzas in rsnapshot.conf
to do backups of the
encypted versions of your files instead of the originals.
Since the original filenames will not be available/visible to
, if you want to exclude specific files from the
backup, you will have to filter those files by other means
than the exclude
stanzas. This can be
achieved by a filtering filesystem such as the filterfs
filesystem (or, if you run GNU/Hurd, a filtering translator).
In essence, when using encfs and filterfs, the resulting setup would be:
Occasional Rsnapshot
| Filtered and ecrypted files |
| (encfs) |
| Filtered files |
| (filterfs) |
| Original files |
is available in most distributions or can be
downloaded from .
Unfortunately the filterfs
fuse filesystem upstream doesn't
seem to be active anymore, but since I used this for this
exact setup, a more recent version with some fixes can be
grabbed from:
Because the script is silent by default when no drive is found, it makes it appropriate for placing in cron with a very high frequency as a means of triggering backups by just connecting the backup drive or mounting the backup media; no noise will be made in the cron emails when the script does not find the backup drive connected.
When passing
the script is verbose and does not invoke rsnapshot at all.
Development of occasional_rsnapshot
happens on github at:
Patches and pull requestst are welcome.
This project uses Semantic Versioning
For short, here is what that means:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.