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My setup for 🐠 Fish shell on  macOS - v3

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Mr EdHeltzel's Dotfiles

My setup for 🐠 Fish shell on  macOS - v3

Here, you'll find my dotfiles configuration for fish shell on macOS managed using GNU Stow. You'll also find files for provisioning a new machine and setting up my environment. Again, this is my personal setup and changes often, so don't blindly fork and run the script without reading it first. But get inspired, take what you want, and leave the rest to make it your own.

Older Versions
  • v1 uses oh-my-zsh
  • v2 uses fish shell + custom scripts

Table of Contents:


Install with a single line...

I have not tested this on a fresh install, so this could break your setup. I'd suggest you read through the and scripts and the Makefile before running this command.

In theory, this will clone the repository and install everything outlined below. Again, In theory.

bash -c "`curl -fsSL`"
Resources & Inspiration for the help

Below are the resources I used to get to this point in my setup.

Caveats for non-Apple Silicon (Intel) If you are on any version of macOS that uses AFPS, you'll need to disable the SIP. First check to see if SIP is enabled or not.
csrutil status

output should read:

System Integrity Protection status: enabled.

If your SIP is enabled, then follow the next steps to disable it – Assuming that you know what you're doing, here is how to turn off System Integrity Protection on your Mac.

  1. Turn off your Mac (Apple > Shut Down).
  2. Hold down Command-R and press the Power button. Keep holding Command-R until the Apple logo appears.
  3. Wait for OS X to boot into the OS X Utilities window.
  4. Choose Utilities > Terminal.
  5. Enter csrutil disable.
  6. Enter reboot.
  7. csrutil status -> should read System Integrity Protection status: disabled.

👋 For future Mr EdHeltzel

Since we have a bad habit of forgetting things - see Troubleshooting:

  1. Installing Xcode Command Line Tools

    • sudo softwardupdate -i -a && xcode-select --install This will install git and make if not already installed.
  2. Generate a new SSH key and add to GitHub

  3. Clone repo

    • git clone ~/.dotfiles
  4. Use the Makefile for the rest of the setup

    • cd ~/.dotfiles && make install
    • Alternatively, run install script cd ~/.dotfiles && ./
  5. After the setup is complete, run upp to execute topgrade and update everything.

    • upp is an alias for topgrade which is Update Packages (this is what I say to myself).
    • The topgrade.toml includes [post_commands] for additional Brew and Node updates.
  6. Optional steps for DX and nice to haves:

    • Disable Gatekeeper when installing apps: sudo spctl --master-disable (in macos/
    • Make sure to run fnm env --use-on-cd | source to enable auto-switching of Node versions. (in fish)

The Nitty Gritty

Originally, I used a series of custom scripts to create symlinks, and it worked, but I've since switched to using GNU Stow. This is way easier to manage.

So, with the addition of GNU Stow, I added a makefile – I treat this like NPM scripts. You need to be in the root of ~/.dotfiles to execute any of the make tasks.

The following are available:

help          Show this help message (default)
install       Bootstraps a new machine
run           Symlink all dotfiles w/Stow
stow          Add individual packages w/Stow
unstow        Remove individual packages w/Stow
delete        Delete all dotfiles w/Stow
update        Sync & clean dead symlinks w/Stow


  • make install task, it will execute the script. This script, is for setting up a brand new machine, it will install the necessary package managers, packages with dependencies, applications, clone the necessary repositories, configure the ~/.gitconfig.local and symlink dotfiles using GNU Stow.

Stowing/Unstowing (add/remove)

There are two options for managing packages with GNU Stow:

  1. Just use Stow: stow nvim / stow --restow nvim or stow -D nvim (unstow)
  2. Use the Makefile: make stow pkg=nvim or make unstow pkg=nvim
    • The pkg= variable must be specified.

Stow Packages

  • dots (dots/)
    • misc dotfiles that are stored in the $HOME directory
  • git (git/)
    • git configuration
  • zsh (zsh/)
    • Zsh configuration files (this kind of sort of mimics fish - WIP)
  • fish (fish/)
    • XDG Base Directory – Reference: XDG Base Directory for more information. To edit/set the XDG Base Directory variables, you can edit the ~/fish/.config/fish/conf.d/ file. Hopefully, this will keep the $HOME directory clean and organized.
  • nvim (nvim/)
    • When I need Vim, I use LazyVim - lightly customized.
  • config (config/)
    • Configuration files for various applications
  • local (local/)
    • User-specific data not configuration-related. ie: dictionaries, wallpapers, misc items that mean nothing, etc.


Any of the scripts can be run individually at any time to update/reset as needed. ie: cd ~/.dotfiles && ./duti/

  • macOS (macos/)
    • - Executes a long list of commands pertaining to macOS Preferences – DO NOT blindly run this script - it is a WIP with each macOS update things change.
  • packages (packages/)
    • - Installs the Brewfile and each package manager's packages based on the .txt files.
  • repositories (repos/)
    • - Clones the repositories in the .txt files at the corresponding locations
  • private (private/)
    • - Left empty on purpose
  • duti (duti/)
    • - Sets the default applications for file types
      • run ./duti/ to reset the default applications for file types
  • Helper Scripts (scripts/)
    • - Contains helper functions for for the scripts



Fish: Fisher Plugin Manager In the past, Fisher (fish plugin manager) would do something weird or introduce a breaking change - just reinstall Fisher.
curl -sL | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher
Node Development: FNM

Node Version switching for Node development, takes advantage of fnm for managing Node versions, which supports both .nvmrc and .node-version files.

  • If not already installed from the Brewfile, install fnm:
brew install fnm
fnm env --use-on-cd | source

For Fish Completions run:

fnm completions --shell fish

Make sure you run:

make update #updates all stow packages
make stow pkg=fish

Enable auto switch of Node versions with .node-version or .nvmrc files

# auto runs: fnm use
fnm env --use-on-cd | source

Which each Node version change, enabling corepack is necessary to ensure that pnpm and yarn are available.

npm install --global $(cat node_packages.txt)
Git: Commit and Tag Signing

SSH Signing

I use SSH commit signing over GPG. GPG is there if I need it, but I prefer SSH. For a few resources to help get this setup:

The .gitconfig includes .gitconfig.local

    isLocalConfig = true
    signingkey = PATH_TO_YOUR_KEY
  [gpg "ssh"]

If you choose to use this, make sure you look at that ./git/; this script is where the provisioning of .gitconfig.local happens.

GPG Commit Signing - optional

GPG signing is set to TRUE by default. If you rather not enable GPG then execute: git config --global commit.gpgsign false and remove the GPG packages from the Brewfile.

renew expired gpg

Generate new key and assign to global git config

main take away:

  • gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
  • Copy key
  • set key for your git user
    • git config --global user.signingkey <your key>
  • If you need help setting this up GPG:
  • Please Note if you used the Brewfile, Cask installed the macOS GPG Suite via cask 'gpg-suite-no-mail' -- (alternatively) update the Brewfile with `cask 'gpg-suite' to include GPGMail.
Rust and Cargo From time to time, `cargo` will fail to update/upgrade using `topgrade`. This is generally due to something changing inside of the Rust system that doesn't allow `cargo install cargo-update` to work.

The solution: Uninstall and reinstall rust and rustup-init along with cargo using brew.

brew uninstall rustup-init;
and brew reinstall rust;
and cargo uninstall cargo;
cargo install cargo-update --force;
topgrade --only cargo
SSH Agent In the even when restarting macOS, the SSH agent will not be running, even though it is configured to run on login. A result of this is that Git will keep asking for your SSH Passphrase, to resolve this you will need to execute the following:
eval ssh-agent;
and ssh-add --apple-use-keychain

What this does: Starts the SSH agent and adds the SSH key to the keychain.

Since we are using danhper/fish-ssh-agent to manage the SSH agent, we only have to run this once.


WindowServer RAM Leak As of `2024-07` there is a known bug/issue with macOS where the WindowServer will consume CPU and/or Memory. It is annoying. From my experience, this is related to more than one external monitor. My current workaround is to kill the WindowServer on macOS, which logs you out. Once you log back in the WindowServer will be restarted and your RAM usage will be back in normal ranges. This is a workaround until Apple fixes the issue, which will probably never happen. Usage:
  • Open your Terminal
  • run `killws` (work for both Fish and Zsh)
  • Log back into your account
Media Control Keys From time to time some of the "nice-to-have" features of MacOS break. An example of this is when the media keys stop working for one reason or another; Google Chrome/WhatsApp/ can and generally hijack the media keys.

To resolve this just run the following command in the terminal:

launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/

This luanchctl will reenable media key, which in turn will control Spotify 🙂

Ethernet Backhaul Run the `flashEthernet` function to "flush" the Ethernet backhaul.
flashEthernet; and echo 'Ethernet backhaul flushed'


  • Look into other/better options that Stow:
  • Convert fish functions to zsh functions - WIP
  • zsh completions seem to be broken issue #40
    • Look into zsh-completions vs autocomplete
  • Consider using NixOS for package management over Homebrew. ie: good example
  • include zsh abbreviations
  • Create a single-line install script to execute
  • use makefile to execute and
  • update make unstow to include only the available stow package or all
  • add customizations to lazyvim
  • Add vscode settings and symlink to dotfiles
  • Add XDG Base Directory support
  • update README
    • include XDG info
    • include Stow info
    • include Make info
    • include New bootstrap process
    • include New install process (makefile)