How to push a Poetry package to a private Gemfury PyPI server
To see how to pull a package from a private Gemfury PyPI repository with Pipenv see:
When using this template and making poetry packages in general, it is easiest to have the name of the directory your package is in and the name in pyproject.toml
match. Because Python imports do not like dashes and underscores are uncommon in package names, I'd recommend using neither.
Environmental variables are a good way to keep our tokens secret and our options configurable. To set them, copy sample.envrc
to .envrc
and change the values.
To load .envrc
, one could just run .envrc
as a shell script, but direnv will make things easier by automatically loading the variable when you enter the directory, once allowed.
To install direnv on a mac running zsh, use brew to install with brew install direnv
and hook in into your shell by adding eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
to your .zshrc
file. For other install instructions see:
To allow direnv to load .envrc
in a directory run direnv allow
Run poetry config repositories.$PYPI_REPO_NAME $PYPI_REPO_URL
to set a reference to the Gemfury PyPI repository's URL for the given name. Run poetry config http-basic.$PYPI_REPO_NAME $PYPI_TOKEN $PYPI_TOKEN
to setup authentication to the PiPY repository for the same name. Then, run poetry publish --build --repository $PYPI_REPO_NAME
to build and push the package to the Gemfury PyPI repository.
Run poetry install
to install the env.
Run poetry run pre-commit install
to initialize the git hooks.
Run poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
if there are file that were committed before adding the git hooks.
Activate the shell with: poetry shell
Lint with: poetry run pylint poetrypackagetemplate/ tests/
Test with: poetry run pytest --cov=poetrypackagetemplate