CNV-analysis-from-SNP-arrays describes a workflow to detect and analyze CNVs out of large-scale SNP genotyping microarrays data. Based on an hypothetical case-control genome wide association (mygwas.ped and we describe established CNV quality control procedures and guidelines for CNV detection. In additon, we include example data (i.e. mygwas.good.cnv) to carry out CNV downstream analysis and test for association with a CNV burden analysis. The present GitHub repository is associated to the "Copy number variation analysis from SNP genotyping microarrays in large cohorts of neurological disorders" chapter by Eduardo Pérez-Palma et al from the Neuromethods book series (2021).
- mygwas (NOT INCLUDED): genotype in PLINK format (mygwas.ped and and sample-wise microarray intensity files.
- mygwas.good.cnv: Examples CNVs calls from PennCNV.
- mysamples: All samples included in the study.
- refseq.genes.bed: All RefSeq genes.
- geneset.list: genes of interest.
- repetitive.regions.bed: list of genomic repetetitive regions (e.g. centromere, telomere).
- Expected-output/: Folder containg all intermediate files.
For a detailed description of microarray-based GWAS quality control (QC) procedures please refer to Anderson et al, 2010 and Clarke et al, 2011. The format of genotyping data varies among SNP platforms. For simplicity, we asume data comes in standard PED and MAP PLINK file formats. Our example dataset is an hypotetical GWAS called my mygwas and composed of 1397 individuals (714 Cases and 683 Controls).
We will transform the original data into PLINK BED files (do not confuse this with UCSC BED format) to facilitate the analyses of large datasets. It is assumed that discordant sex information between the reported and genotyped sex in individuals is a sign of poor genotyping. The following command will transform ped and map files into binary PLINK format and check if there are discrepancies in sex and remove those individuals.
plink --file mygwas --make-bed --out mygwas
plink --bfile mygwas --check-sex --out mygwas
grep PROBLEM mygwas.sexcheck | awk '{print $1,$2}' > toremove.sexcheck.list
PLINK can filter data using multiple parameters. We will filter the data to remove samples with genotype call rate below 0.96 (--mind 0.04
), SNVs with genotyping rate below 0.98 (--geno 0.02
), minor allele frequency below 0.05 (--maf 0.05
) and variants with a significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P < 0.001, --hwe 0.001
). We will also remove the individuals that didn't pass the earlier test, by executing the following command:
plink --bfile mygwas --remove toremove.sexcheck.list --mind 0.04 --geno 0.02 --maf 0.05 --hwe 0.001 --make-bed --out mygwas.genoQC
Cryptic relatedness and ancestry should be addressed to avoid spurious relationships in the analysis. KING software will be used on the PLINK filtered output to identify relatedness in samples up to the second degree. Below commands will identify related individuals in mygwas data.
## UN = UNrelated
king -b mygwas.genoQC.bed --related –degree 2 --prefix mygwas.king
grep -v UN mygwas.king.kin0 | awk '{print $1,$2,$3}' > mygwas.related.list
If related individuals are found, check their genotype call rates (--missing
flag on PLINK) and remove the individual with less calling rates.
To assess ancestry, we merge the dataset with another known dataset with clearly-defined populations(--merge
for non-binary format PLINK files, --bmerge
for binary format PLINK files), and use PLINK to generate a Principal components analysis (PCA) of the different populations. 1000 genomes is usually used to check for population stratification data.
## To download 1000 genomes data:
1000 genomes data is on VCF format, we need to convert it to PLINK binary format, filter it, and merge it with the original dataset. You need to make sure that the files are mergeable, for this there are three things that you need to keep in mind:
- The reference genome needs to be the same in your dataset and in the 1000 genomes data.
- Resolve strand isues.
- Remove the SNPs which still differ between the datasets.
The PLINK merge manual has guidelines about what should be done if two PLINK binary datasets can not be merged. The command below will merge mygwas with 1000 genomes data and carry out a PCA analysis.
plink --vcf ALL.2of4intersection.20100804.genotypes.vcf.gz --biallelic-only strict --allow-no-sex --geno 0.02 --maf 0.05 --hwe 0.001 --make-bed --out 1000g.ALL
plink --bfile mygwas.genoQC --bmerge 1000g.ALL --make-bed --out mygwas.merged
plink --bfile mygwas.merged --pca --out mygwas.merged
The output (mygwas.merged.eigenvec
) can be used to plot and identify outliers using R if the ancestry of every individual is appended as the last column of the PCA results. The command below in R will plot mygwas individuals alongside 1000 genomes samples.
mygwas_merged <- read_table2("mygwas.merged.eigenvec", col_names = FALSE)
ggplot(data=testbed_merged_genoQC, aes(x=X3,y=X4,group=X23,color=X23)) + geom_point()
After filtering outliers, we will require a table with the individual ID, phenotype, sex, and the first three components from the PCA. We will use the resulting table for the CNV burden analysis. The following Python script can be used to generate this table, with the PLINK fam file and the PLINK eigenvec file as input.
## Save as
## Usage: python <fam indlist> <PCA results.eigenvec>
from sys import argv
print("SampleID Response Sex PC1 PC2 PC3")
with open(argv[1]) as f1:
for i in f1:
splitfirst = i.strip().split()
with open(argv[2]) as f2:
for j in f2:
splitsecond = j.strip().split()
if splitfirst[1] == splitsecond[1]:
joined = " ".join(splitfirst[1],splitfirst[-1],splitfirst[-2],splitsecond[2],splitsecond[3],splitsecond[4])
python mygwas.fam mygwas.merged.eigenvec > mysamples
For CNV detection, we strongly recommend to follow the pipeline proposed by Macé et al. 2016, which uses PennCNV to detect CNVs and R scripts for filtering. The pipeline describes how to install PennCNV, R, and the required R libraries to properly execute the R scripts. To run the pipeline you will a configuration file.
## config_example.txt
pennCNVpath: /path/to/pennCNV/
HMMpath: /path/to/pennCNV/lib/hhall.hmm
HMMcreate: 0
PFB: /path/to/input/pfb/
CompilePFB: 1
GCmod: my/GC_model/path
UseGCmod: 0
InputData: 1
DATA: /path/to/input/
OUTPUT: /path/to/output/results
FormatedPath: /path/to/input/formated
Chromosome: 1-22
CNVcall: 1
Cleancall: 1
format: 1
CreateRfile: 1
AssoData: 1
NbCores: 16
PhenoPath: /path/to/input/phenotype/phenotype.txt
Phenotype: phenoName
Then to execute the CNV detection:
./ config_example.txt
The PennCNV Pipeline User Guide included in the pipeline describes the complete output, here we highlight two output files:
- mygwas.clean.rawcnv contains all the detected CNVs in PennCNV format.
- mygwas.good.cnv contains only the filtered subset of CNVs in PennCNV format and is the main input for downstream analysis.
Here an example of the PennCNV calls output:
Genomic coordinates | N SNPs | Lenght | Copy number (Del=0/1;Dup=3/4) | Sample | Begin | End |
chr1:25593128-25611452 | numsnp=14 | length=18,325 | state1,cn=0 | NA19222 | startsnp=CN_482242 | endsnp=CN_020771 |
chr1:72771143-72811148 | numsnp=44 | length=40,006 | state1,cn=0 | NA21596 | startsnp=CN_517829 | endsnp=CN_519942 |
chr1:152555795-152586594 | numsnp=33 | length=30,800 | state1,cn=0 | NA20787 | startsnp=CN_452251 | endsnp=CN_453516 |
Usually, CNV detection is restricted to the autosomal chromosomes as the intensity analysis of probes mapping within the X and Y chromosome is less reliable.
We can remove those chromosomes from the analysis with grep -v "chrX"
and grep -v "chrY"
. We also need to filter CNVs with less than 20 probes, a genomic area below 20 kb, and a marker density (probes/genomic area) below 0.0001. We can filter the data using Python, as shown in the following example:
## Save as
## Usage: python <cnvlist>
from sys import argv
with open(argv[1]) as f1:
for i in f1:
probes = float(i.strip().split()[1].split("=")[1])
distance = float(i.strip().split()[2].split("=")[1].replace(',', ''))
if probes > 20:
if distance > 20000:
if (probes/distance) > 0.0001:
python mygwas.good.cnv >mygwas.good.filtered.cnv
Next to remove custom or repetitive regions we need a BED version of our CNV calls. Three simple bash commands can be used to transform the data into UCSC BED format.
less mygwas.good.filtered.cnv | awk '{print $1"\t"$5}' | perl -pe 's/:|-/\t/g' >mygwas.good.filtered.cnv.bed
perl -pi -e 's/\Achr//g' mygwas.good.filtered.cnv.bed
sort -V -k1,2 mygwas.good.filtered.cnv.bed >mygwas.good.filtered.cnv.sorted.bed
False positive CNVs calls tend to fall within highly repetitive regions such as the centromere, telomer and immunoglobulins regions. Calls overlapping the boundaries of repetitive regions should be removed. Here, we will exclude repetitive regions with bedtools (see repetitive-regions bed file). A single line will remove undesired CNVs:
intersectBed -a mygwas.good.filtered.cnv.sorted.bed -b repetitive.regions.bed -v >
This way we obtain our final set of CNV calls Note that this file contains one cnv per row. If same cnv was called on three samples, three rows will show the same cnv. See below first three rows:
Chr | Start | End | Sample |
1 | 61735 | 235938 | NA07435 |
1 | 61735 | 235938 | NA11839 |
1 | 61735 | 235938 | NA12348 |
The annotation of the is essential to extract significant biological knowledge from a case-control cohort. For simplicity in this example we will annotate all canonical RefSeq genes using bedtools (see refseq.genes.bed file).
bedtools intersect -a -b refseq.genes.bed -wa -wb | awk -F"\t" 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$8}' >mycnvs.intersected
cat mycnvs.intersected | bedtools groupby -g 1,2,3,4 -c 5 -o count,collapse >mycnvs.annotated
The expected output should look like the table below:
Chr | Start | End | Sample | N genes | Gene Names |
1 | 14879491 | 14951408 | NA20760 | 1 | KAZN |
1 | 15718470 | 15789733 | NA21304 | 3 | CTRC,EFHD2,CELA2A |
1 | 15894607 | 16000741 | NA18534 | 4 | RSC1A1,AGMAT,DNAJC16,DDI2 |
For further annotations, you can directly upload the filtered BED file to the Ensembl's variant effect predictor VEP or ANNOVAR to annotate all relevant biological features. For larger annotation procedures local VEP or ANNOVAR installation are recommended.
CNV burden analysis is a hypothesis-driven approach that requires the definition of at least one region of interest. A region of interest can be any genomic interval defined by the user, and usually takes the form of a gene set. Gene sets should be meaningful to the disease to extract valuable conclusions. There is no restriction in the type or number of regions that can be tested. To annotate regions of interest you might take advantage of the refseq.genes.bed file to generate a regions.of.interest.bed file. For this example we will use as "regions of interest" a list of 279 genes (gene.set.list) known to be associated to developmental disorders. Next you can interrogate if any CNVs are overlapping these regions and generate a mysamples.w.predictor list.
awk -F"\t" 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} FNR==NR{p[$4]=$0;next}{print p[$1]}' refseq.genes.bed gene.set.list | sort -V -k1,2 >regions.of.interest.bed
bedtools intersect -a -b regions.of.interest.bed -wa | awk '{print $4"\t1"}' | sort | uniq >mysamples.w.predictor
To carry out a CNV burden analysis you need three variables for every sample included in the gwas:
- RESPONSE: binary phenotype (cases=1; controls=0) for all GWAS samples regardless of their cnv state.
- PREDICTOR: binary predictor, in this case if a sample has or not a CNV overlapping a region of interest. We will use mysamples.w.predictor to create the PREDICTOR field.
- COVARIABLES (optional): Here you can include sex or principal components.
RESPONSE and COVARIABLES were extracted from STEP1 in the mysamples file. Here, the PREDICTOR needs to be construted. We simply map the samples from mysamples.w.predictor file to the last column of mysamples and fill in with 0 the samples that do not have the predictor. This way we generate the sample.wise.input
awk -F"\t" 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} FNR==NR{p[$1]=$2;next}{print $0, p[$1]}' mysamples.w.predictor mysamples >sample.wise.input
perl -pi -e 's/\t\n/\t0\n/g' sample.wise.input
The final *sample.wise.input should look like:
Sample | RESPONSE | Sex | PC1 | PC2 | PC3 | PREDICTOR |
NA06984 | 0 | 1 | 158123 | 391066 | 139324 | 1 |
NA06989 | 1 | 1 | 158886 | 387969 | 146544 | 1 |
NA12335 | 0 | 1 | 159503 | 386152 | 140885 | 0 |
After creating the sample.wise.input file with the PREDICTOR field, the user can proceed with the logistic regression of the CNV burden analysis. The following commands in R will test for association between the RESPONSE (i.e. phenotype) and the PREDICTOR (i.e. having a CNV in a region on interest).
#load libraries
#load data
data.cnv <- read.table("sample.wise.input", header=T)
model.burden <- glm(RESPONSE ~ PREDICTOR + Sex + PC1 +PC2 +PC3, data=data.cnv, family=binomial)
#data extraction
sum.mod <- summary(model.burden) <-sum.mod$coefficients
p.mod<-with(model.burden, pchisq(null.deviance - deviance, df.null - df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE))<-exp(cbind(OR = coef(model.burden), confint(model.burden)))
Expected results should look like the tabe below:
Variables | p.model | OR | 2.5 % | 97.5 % |
(Intercept) | 5.339691e-19 | 0.6600314 | 0.5455037 | 0.7971419 |
PREDICTOR | 5.339691e-19 | 2.9084473 | 2.3352957 | 3.6305632 |
Sex | 5.339691e-19 | 0.9552320 | 0.7683386 | 1.1873764 |
PC1 | 5.339691e-19 | 1.0000002 | 0.9999998 | 1.0000007 |
PC2 | 5.339691e-19 | 1.0000001 | 0.9999998 | 1.0000004 |
PC3 | 5.339691e-19 | 0.9999999 | 0.9999996 | 1.0000002 |
If you are able to obtain the above table, Congratulations! you have just carried out a CNV burden analysis based on microarray GWAS data. In our example, there is significant association between the phenotype of our cases and CNVs overlapping genes associated to developmental disorders. In other words, the burden of patients with CNVs overlapping genes associated to developmental disorders is significantly higher than the one observed in controls.
Thank you!
Disclaimer: The data presented here are for educational purpuses only and does not represent real results or association.