Retrieve your Neurio sensor data directly from the sensor itself.
usage: [-h] --ip IP --format {json,kv} --type {raw,sensor}
Fetch Neurio sensor data
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --ip [IP] IP address of sensor
-f, --format {json,kv} Format to output readings in
-t, --type {raw,sensor} Which readings to output
-o, --outputfile [filepath] Output readings to log file
--local Return timestamps using local system time instead of UTC
pip install BeautifulSoup4
pip install pytz
Format: You can output in two formats: json and kv (key=value). If you choose KV, each channel will be output on a separate log line. If you choose json, all channels will be included in one log line.
python --ip --format kv --type sensor
2015-03-09T00:12:35.670884+00:00 Power(kW)=0.174, EnergyImported(kWh)=9.281, ReactivePower(kVAR)=-0.042, Voltage(V)=118.645, EnergyExported(kWh)=0.000, Channel=1
2015-03-09T00:12:35.670884+00:00 Power(kW)=0.628, EnergyImported(kWh)=25.960, ReactivePower(kVAR)=-0.153, Voltage(V)=118.418, EnergyExported(kWh)=0.000, Channel=3
2015-03-09T00:12:35.670884+00:00 Power(kW)=0.454, EnergyImported(kWh)=16.679, ReactivePower(kVAR)=-0.111, Voltage(V)=118.192, EnergyExported(kWh)=0.000, Channel=2
2015-03-09T00:12:35.670884+00:00 Power(kW)=0.000, EnergyImported(kWh)=0.000, ReactivePower(kVAR)=0.000, Voltage(V)=0.000, EnergyExported(kWh)=0.000, Channel=4
python --ip --format json --type sensor
2015-03-09T00:11:14.376018+00:00 {"1": {"Power (kW)": "0.173", "Energy Imported (kWh)": "9.277", "Reactive Power (kVAR)": "-0.043", "Voltage (V)": "118.789", "Energy Exported (kWh)": "0.000", "Channel": "1"}, "3": {"Power (kW)": "0.621", "Energy Imported (kWh)": "25.946", "Reactive Power (kVAR)": "-0.155", "Voltage (V)": "118.534", "Energy Exported (kWh)": "0.000", "Channel": "3"}, "2": {"Power (kW)": "0.448", "Energy Imported (kWh)": "16.669", "Reactive Power (kVAR)": "-0.111", "Voltage (V)": "118.278", "Energy Exported (kWh)": "0.000", "Channel": "2"}, "4": {"Power (kW)": "0.000", "Energy Imported (kWh)": "0.000", "Reactive Power (kVAR)": "0.000", "Voltage (V)": "0.000", "Energy Exported (kWh)": "0.000", "Channel": "4"}}
Important note: Fetching data may break if the format of the Neurio web interface changes since this is parsing the HTML until an API is available.
I am not affiliated with Neurio in any way.