Install by downloading the latest version
This is a plugin for Zotero, developed by @retorquere and @bjohas for use in the EdTech Hub. Contributions by @ZainaSaadeddin and @sheraz-ishaq.
To make full use of the KCite function in Google Docs/Slides, also install this Google Docs/Slides add-on:
- KCite: (Author, Year). A kind of 'scannable cite' to use with Google Docs, format 1.
- KCite: Author (Year). A kind of 'scannable cite' to use with Google Docs, format 1.
- KCite: Share. Sharing a citation (author, year, title) together with Zotero locations. We use this to share citations with each other e.g. on Slack or via Email.
- KCite Save item ID. Saves the item ID to a field in 'extra'
- KCite Save item details to note. Saves the current items metadata into a note. Helpful if a change in item type might lead to loss of information.
- KCite Duplicate attachment. Duplicates an attachment, typically a PDF. This is useful if you'd like to keep a clear copy of the PDF prior to annotation.
The plugin affects item merges. When items are merged, the fields of each item prior to the merge are added to a note. Helpful if an merge has lead to loss of information.
We always use these plugins (for Zotero, at the EdTech Hub). The EdTech Hub plugin therefore warns the user if these are not installed:
- short-dois
- Zutilo
- ZotFile
There's some function (such as export, or the additional menu options) that don't show while Zotero is completing the startup. The plugin adds a warning that disappears when Zotero is fully loaded.
The reason we care about item IDs (and tracking them through merges, etc) is that that we can embed item ids into google docs. If item ids change, but the 'item id history' is preserved, then they can be updated. Embedded item ids turn into links to our public evidence library, available here (which uses
When opening an issue:
- Go into
-Debug Output Logging
-Restart with Logging Enabled...
- Let Zotero restart
- Replicate the problem
- Go into
-Send EdTech hub debug log
- Post the ID you get in the popup that follows
Information about the EdTech Hub is available at