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Action taken in an automated fashion
Pull requests created by dependabot
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements or additions to documentation
Pull requests created by the dotnet-format-apply-changes workflow
Indicates issues or pull requests related with the DotNet-Sdk-Extensions NuGet package
Indicates issues or pull requests related with the DotNet-Sdk-Extensions-Testing NuGet package
This issue or pull request already exists
Pull requests that update Github_actions code
Pull requests for updating the version of custom actions used by workflows
Pull requests for updating the version of actions used by workflows
Extra attention is needed
Issues created by markdown link check finding broken links
Pull requests that update .net code
Pull requests for NuGet packages updates
Issues or pull requests related with releasing a NuGet package
Further information is requested
This will not be worked on
You can’t perform that action at this time.