263484 label hover #25
Jenkins - ci.eionet.europa.eu / SonarQube
Jan 30, 2024 in 0s
Sonarqube Code Quality Check
Quality check on the SonarQube metrics from branch develop, comparing it with the ones from master branch. No bugs are allowed
Sonarqube PR-25/master comparison results:
Check bugs
OK ( no bugs )
Check vulnerabilities
OK ( 1 <= 1 )
Check maintainability
OK ( 1 <= 1 )
Check duplication
OK ( 0.00 <= 0.00 )
Check coverage
WARNING - The percentage of coverage is smaller in the PR-25 branch (94.30) than the master (95.40) branch, but is still over the 80% threshold
You can check the 2 sonarqube coverage links to review the cause of the decrease:
PR-25: https://sonarqube.eea.europa.eu/component_measures?id=volto-slate-label-PR-25&metric=coverage&view=list
master: https://sonarqube.eea.europa.eu/component_measures?id=volto-slate-label-master&metric=coverage&view=list