Bela is an embedded computing platform for creating amazing interactive applications.
This EEGsynth repository contains C/C++ and Pure data projects for the Bela, combined with the corresponding EEGsynth patches.
To use git and GitHub in combination with your Bela you have to get it connected to the internet. Connecting it to your local computer as is not sufficient. If you have a wired ethernet cable, you can just plug it in and reboot with
ssh root@bela
reboot now
Other possibilities are to use a wifi USB dongle or to set up internet sharing on your computer such that trafic on the local network between your computer and the Bela gets routed to the internet.
If you want to contribute to this repository, we recommend you make a fork to your own GitHub account and follow these instructions.
ssh root@bela.local
cat .ssh/
Copy the SSH key over to GitHub (your profile, settings, SSH and GPG keys).
git clone
You can also skip authentication on GitHub and use http to make a clone of the eegsynth version.
ssh root@bela.local
git clone
Now that you have a copy of the git repository on your bela, you can use symbolic links to access all or some of the projects here.
cd ~/Bela
rm -rf projects # WARNING, only do this after backing up your projects
ln -s ~/eegsynth-bella/projects .
Or if you want to mix some eegsynth-bela projects with your own you can do
cd ~/Bela/project
ln -s ~/eegsynth-bella/projects/someproject .
ln -s ~/eegsynth-bella/projects/anotherproject .