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run make to generate the executable

run ./shell to run the shell

run quit to exit the shell


Foreground processes

  • The shell waits for the current process to execute

Background processes

  • Use '&' at the end of any command to invoke a background process
  • The process will then run in the background and when exited, a message will be displayed

ls command

  • ls takes arguments as flags (as -) and directories (as )
  • It lists the files of the directory mentioned. If no directory is mentioned, it lists the files in the current directory
  • ls - lists in alphabetical order
  • ls -l - long list
  • ls -a - display hidden files
  • ls -al/-la/-a -l/-l -a - long list including hidden files

cd command

  • cd <absolute path> - goes to absolute path
  • cd - goes to ~/
  • cd ~/<pathname> - goes to ~/
  • cd .. - goes to previous directory
  • cd . - stays in the same directory

echo command

  • echo - prints empty line
  • echo text - prints text
  • echo "text" / echo 'text' - prints text

pwd command

  • pwd - prints absolute path of current directory

pinfo command

  • pinfo - prints process info of the shell
  • pinfo <pid> - prints process info of given pid

Input/Output redirection

  • Ouput of one command can be redirected to a file
  • Similarly input can be taken from another file

Redirection using Pipes

  • One or more commands can be piped
  • Pipes and i/o redirection can be done together

Environment variables

  • The shell inherits environment variables from the parent
  • setenv var value - used to create environment variable var
  • unsetenv var - destroy the variable var

jobs command

  • jobs - prints a list of all background processes

kjob command

  • kjob <jobnumber> <signal> - takes the job id of a running job and sends a signal value to that process

fg command

  • fg <jobnumber> - brings a running or a stopped background job with given job number to foreground

bg command

  • bg <jobnumber> - changes a stopped background job to a running background job

overkill command

  • overkill - kills all background process at once

quit command

  • quit - exit the shell. The shell exits only when quit is typed


  • CTRL+C - sends a SIGINT signal to the foreground jobs of the shell and not the shell itself and neither to the background processes of the shell
  • CTRL+Z - sends a SIGTTIN and SIGTSTP signal to the foreground process and makes the process a background process



  • type remindme <no of seconds> "task" to set a reminder


  • type clock -t <interval time> -n <duration> to display the date and time after specified interval and for the specified duration
  • made using hardware clock "/sys/class/rtc/rtc0"


Linux Shell built in C language







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