SWAT: Elite Force v5
- Campaign Co-op!
- You can now play any campaign in multiplayer. Beating missions in campaign co-op advances your singleplayer career. You will need to unlock equipment, just like in singleplayer, and there is a score requirement to win.
- Simply select a previously created campaign from the menu and hit the CAREER CO-OP button to begin.
- Some campaigns cannot be played in co-op (see below for restrictions)
- Permadeath!
- AI Permadeath option will kill your AI officers permanently when they die.
- Player permadeath option will instantly end your campaign permanently when you die.
- Campaigns with permadeath options enabled cannot be played in Campaign co-op.
- All Missions campaign!
- There is a new campaign path, titled All Missions. This includes every map you have on your hard drive, including customs, so you can play them in singleplayer.
- All Missions campaigns cannot be played in Campaign co-op.
- AI improvements!
- Officers can now take cover while engaging suspects, and may lean or crouch while doing so.
- Suspects and civilians can now wander all over the map (this depends on the map mostly)
- A lot of cut speech got restored.
- Equipment changes!
- The SAS mod has generously allowed us to use some of their weapons in the mod. See the SAS weapons section for more details.
- New rifle/pistol ammo types: JSP (jacketed soft point) and AP (armor penetrating).
- New shotgun ammo types: 0 buck, 1 buck, 4 buck
- The weapon handling (accuracy) received significant changes
- Breaching improvements
- All shotguns can now breach through doors. The Breaching Shotgun can break through any door with one shot, but other shotguns (particularly when dealing with metal doors) may take two or three shots to break open. (AI-controlled officers cannot breach with anything other than a Breaching Shotgun)
- Broken doors can now be closed and/or wedged.
- C2 can now blow up alarm traps on the other side of a door, preventing them from going off.
- You can now tell the officers which breaching method you want them to use on a door (C2 & CLEAR vs SHOTGUN & CLEAR)
- DOA conversions
- Hostages who start out as incapacitated may become a DOA after 10-15 minutes.
- Allowing hostages to become DOA may reduce your score.
- This is an incentive to complete the mission quickly.
- Publishing Multiplayer games to Internet no longer requires a CD-key.
- Added campaign co-op
- Added SAS weapons
- Added Less Lethal Remington M870 (Less Lethal version of an SAS weapon)
- Added JSP, AP, 0 buck, 1 buck, 4 buck ammo types
- Added player permadeath option
- Added officer permadeath option
- Added custom voice acting (by GrimithM) to Adam Moretti so he actually speaks now
- Civilians who are incapacitated at the start of the level can now become DOA after 10-15 minutes. Allowing a hostage to become DOA will have a negative effect on your score.
- Officers may now take cover and crouch
- Doors breached with the shotgun are not "swung open." Only C2 can "blast a door open."
- Broken doors can now be closed and wedged
- Shotguns (except ones that fire beanbags) no longer show the Pick Lock or Deploy C2 fire interfaces - firing will try to blast open the door instead.
- C2 can now break door alarms
- The equipment menu has been changed to use dropdown boxes for the weapon and ammo types. It has a category system to pick weapons easier.
- Added advanced information panel to Armor equipment tab - it shows armor rating and what special protection the armor provides.
- Added campaign statistics information to Campaign Selection menu
- Completely redid the New Equipment menu to look better and handle two unlocks at the same time
- Suspects can now employ a "wandering" behavior that allows them to pick patrol points randomly.
- Snipers can now be used in multiplayer. All players can view the sniper viewport but only Leaders can control them.
- Suspect equipment is only available in Multiplayer and All Missions campaigns now
- Issuing a FALL IN command will now have the officers reload their weapons automatically
- Added new voting configuration options for server hosts: TiesWin, CallCastVote, MinVoters, and NonVotersAreNo. You can edit them in Swat4x.ini/Swat4xDedicatedServer.ini. See Default.ini for more information.
- Taunt feature now differentiates between belligerent and passive hostages
- At the end of a multiplayer game, the next map is listed just above the Ready button
- Mission Completed accounts for 40 points in the score, instead of 45.
- No civilians injured bonus removed, replaced with All Civilians Uninjured which awards points based on the number of civilians that were rescued unharmed. This counts towards 10 points instead of 5.
- The MP viewport binds now function identical to the singleplayer ones, instead of all the viewport binds doing the same thing.
- You can now see the viewports of the other team in CO-OP.
- Clarified some text in the Training mission
- Added an icon to the Riot Helmet
- Added an icon to the ProArmor Helmet
- Adjusted the positions of some drug evidence in Sellers Street Auditorium so that it doesn't fall through the floor as easily.
- Armed, Insane suspects are now considered threats at all times after having been shouted at, even if they are running - they could be running to shoot hostages
- The language now defaults to International (int) instead of English (eng) to prevent issues with gui_tex version mismatch in multiplayer.
- Cut dialogue restored: Suspects will now mourn the death of their fellow suspects
- Cut dialogue restored: Suspects will now apologize when shooting each other
- Cut dialogue restored: Hostages will now freak out when other hostages die
- Cut dialogue restored: Officers will now correctly report when they do not have grenade launcher ammo
- Cut dialogue restored: Officers will now report when they are using grenades
- Cut dialogue restored: Officers will now report when they are using pepper spray, less lethal shotgun, or grenade launcher
- Fixed SEF bug: SWAT officers using full auto; suspects not using full auto
- Fixed SEF bug: Handcuffs not playing sound properly and popping back up during use
- Fixed SEF bug: Civilians can trigger traps
- Fixed SEF bug: Manager on Meat Barn having glasses on backwards (special thanks to sandman332 for this fix)
- Fixed SEF bug: Bullets that lose all of their momentum due to drag cause bleeding/impact effects
- Fixed SEF bug: Less Lethal Shotgun, Grenade Launcher causing penalties when it's not supposed to
- Fixed SEF bug: Log being spammed with messages about trap penalties
- Fixed SEF bug: Log being spammed with "Fast trace blocked!"
- Fixed SEF bug: AI-controlled officers not shouting for compliance correctly in some situations
- Fixed SEF bug: CS gas turning black in some situations
- Fixed SEF bug: Officers not spawning with any equipment in the Training mission
- Fixed SEF bug: Briefcase on Mt. Threshold Research Center sometimes falling through the floor
- Fixed SEF bug: Adam Moretti (Meat Barn enemy) appears as "Simon Gowan" in the subtitles
- Fixed SEF bug: Suspects or civilians who had become incapacitated, reported, and then died later counted towards the "Failed to report downed Civilian/Suspect" penalty.
- Fixed TSS bug: M249 SAW, P90 and TEC-9 making the same sound effect as the MP5 when heard in third person.
- Fixed TSS bug: Night vision goggles alerting AIs. The idle hum sound effect can alert AIs from around corners etc
- Fixed TSS bug: Explosion effects (from gas cans, nitrogen cans etc) not alerting AIs
- Fixed TSS bug: Office workers on Department of Agriculture having broken morale levels (special thanks to sandman332 for this fix)
- Fixed TSS bug: P90 having bad first person position
- Fixed TSS bug: M249 SAW having bad first person position
- Fixed TSS bug: Colt Accurized Rifle doesn't have lowready animations in third person
- Fixed TSS bug: Grenade Launcher doesn't have lowready animations in first person
- Fixed TSS bug: Officers weren't animating correctly with the Colt Accurized Rifle or the P90
- Fixed TSS bug: AKM ammo types simply listed as "FMJ" or "JHP" instead of listing the caliber
The following weapons have been added from the SAS mod. All of them have a tactical flashlight.
- Browning Hi-Power
- Pistol. Medium capacity 9mm pistol with decent stopping power.
- Has a silenced variant.
- P226
- Pistol. High capacity 9mm pistol with low stopping power.
- Has a silenced variant.
- MP5K
- Machine Pistol/SMG. 9mm, low accuracy and high recoil, but low weight and bulk. Comparable to the TEC-9.
- Has a silenced variant.
- MP5SD6
- SMG. 9mm, integrally suppressed. Quieter but weaker compared to the Suppressed MP5
- ARWEN 37 Grenade Launcher
- Grenade Launcher. 5 round magazine, but it can only be equipped as a primary and it has high weight/bulk.
- M16A1
- Assault Rifle. Better at range than the M4, but heavier.
- Has a silenced variant.
- Only available in Multiplayer CO-OP.
- HK33
- Assault Rifle. Better at range than the G36C, but heavier.
- Has a scoped variant.
- SG552 Commando
- Carbine. Lightweight; comparable to the G36C.
- Has a silenced variant.
- Remington 870
- Lightweight, pump action shotgun. Wider spread than other shotguns.