This is an experimental mulit-robot system that converts the ROS interface into a GYM-like interface.
In our paper, we provide unified sim-to-real interfaces and their paradigm as shown above, supporting the collaborative development of DRL policy and real robot systems.
In this repository, we have realized a middleware that subscribes to the corresponding topics and provides data through a unified data interface. The DRL algorithm can easily migrate from the simulation environment to the real robot system with our tool.
│ ├─nics_robot_client/
│ ├─nics_robot_host/
│ ├─nics_robot_inference/
│ ├─velocity_tracker/
│ ├─vrpn_client_ros/
│ ├─xtark_driver/
│ ├─CMakeLists.txt
│ └─
The main parts of our system are nics_robot_host
, nics_robot_client
and nics_robot_inference
while xtark_driver
and vrpn_client_ros
are the specific hardware driver of robot (steering and lidar) and motion capture software used in our experiment.
is the central control node of whole system. It collects raw ROS data, parses them into correct form and send toinference
node on each robot.nics_robot_inference
includes independent instance of DRL algorithm. It obtains the perception data transmitted by thehost
node through ROS Service, and outputs the action toclient
node on each robot.nics_robot_client
converts the output action of algorithm to the resolvable control instructions for real robot.
Python (3.8.10), OpenAI gym (0.18.3), ROS(ros-noetic-desktop), numpy (1.20.3)
Just install this repo by:
git clone
source devel/setup.bash
We use robots produced by XTARK and customize CAR_ID
for each agent. If you need to adapt your own robot, some hardware configuration parameters may need to be modified.
Simple startup instructions are as follows:
# start central control
roslaunch nics_robot_host robot_host.launch
# start client on each robot
roslaunch nics_robot_client robot_client.launch
# after embedding your RL algorithm, start inference on each robot
roslaunch nics_robot_inference inference.launch
Then start your experiment according to the interaction program provided by host