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etcd-tcl is an implementation of the etcd API v. 2 in Tcl. The library originates from biot, but was forked out since there was no etcd client implementation for Tcl. It provides for a nearly complete implementation of the API. etcd-tcl is self-contained and comes with its own JSON parser, a fork of the excellent parser that is part of jimhttp. The library has been tested both against etcd v0.4.6 and the latest official v2.0.


Make sure you can access the directory called etcd so as to package require it. That's it.


All commands live in the etcd namespace. In order to start interacting with a remote etcd server, you will have to create a connection context using ::etcd::new, the procedure returns a token that is to be used in all further calls when interacting with that etcd instance. You can have as many tokens as necessary.

The API provides naming conventions that should be familiar to most Tcl'ers. ::etcd::read, ::etcd::write and ::etcd::delete to read, write and delete keys, ::etcd::mkdir and ::etcd::rmdir to create directories, etc. In fact, under the hood, most of the work is being done by ::etcd::read, ::etcd::write and ::etcd::delete, while other procedures relay those procedures with specific arguments. This is because the three procedure provide for a flexible calling convention that both allows for a simpler usage and open for more complex scenarios.

The library implements an ensemble, so if you prefer, you can call, e.g. etcd new instead of ::etcd::new.

Simple Usage

Create Connection Context

Create a connection context as examplified below.

set cx [::etcd::new -host localhost -port 4001]

localhost and 4001 are the defaults for the -host and -port options, so this could actually be shortened to set cx [::etcd::new]...

All the following examples supposes that the variable cx holds a token that has been returned by ::etcd::new.

Key Operations

Write a Key

The following would create (or update) the key /onedir/onekey to the string hello the world. If existent, the procedure returns the previous content of the key.

::etcd::write $cx "/onedir/onekey" "hello the world"

To write a key and associate a ttl to it, call it as follows:

::etcd::write $cx "/onedir/onekey" "Short lived value" ttl 5

Read a Key

The following would read back the content of the key:

set val [::etcd::read $cx "/onedir/onekey"]

Delete a Key

To delete a single key (but not a directory), call ::etcd::delete as follows:

::etcd::delete $cx "/onedir/onekey"

Directory Operations

Create a Directory

To create a directory do something similar to the following example:

::etcd::mkdir $cx "/onedir/subdir"

List directory Content

Assuming you have run the example command from just above, we start by (re)creating a key in the directory, just to make this a better example:

::etcd::write $cx "/onedir/onekey" "hello"
Simple Listing

To list the content of a directory, use the following:

set content [::etcd::glob $cx "/onedir"]

content would then contain a representation of the directory and its direct content where entries are desribed in triplets:

  1. The first item contains the full path to the directory entry.
  2. The second item contains a boolean: 1 if the entry is a directory itself, 0 if the entry is a key instead.
  3. The third item contains the value of the key if the entry was a key (or an empty string if the entry was a directory).

In other words, in our example, content would be set to the following:

/onedir 1 {} /onedir/subdir 1 {} /onedir/onekey 0 hello

To recurse through directories, just add a boolean requesting for recursion to the call, e.g.

set content [::etcd::glob $cx "/" 1]

Finally, the procedure is called glob, so it also accepts a matching pattern to select only entries which names match. So for example, the command below

set content [::etcd::glob $cx "/onedir" 0 "sub*"]

would return a single triplet, since there is only one entry which name matches sub* in the directory, e.g.:

/onedir/subdir 1 {}

Remove a Directory

To remove an empty directory, do as follows:

::etcd::rmdir $cx "/onedir/subdir"

And to remote a directory recursively, i.e. the whole tree starting at that directory, call it as follows:

::etcd::rmdir $cx "/onedir" 1

Cluster Information

The following two self-explanatory examples would respectively return the URL to the leader of the cluster and list of machines bound to the cluster:

set leader [::etcd::leader $cx]
set machines [::etcd::machines $cx]

Advanced Usage

The procedures ::etcd::read, ::etcd::write and ::etcd::delete takes more arguments than the ones that have been covered in the previous section. In fact, they take any number of arguments, and this unbound argument list carries both options to modify the behaviour of the procedure, but also arguments that will be sent to the remote etcd server as part of the HTTP query. How the difference between options and API arguments is made is described below.

Everything that comes prior to the double-dash sign, i.e. -- consists of a number of dash-led options, with or without values. These options are meant to change the behaviour of the procedure. Everything that comes after -- forms a list of arguments and values that will form the HTTP query of the API call to the remote etcd server.

The -- is optional, in which case, options will be parsed and removed from the whole list and what remains will be the arguments and values to be sent to the remote etcd server. In that case, you may encounter problems if one of the arguments or values starts with a dash and could be understood as a procedure option instead.

All three procedures takes an option called -raw, which does not take any argument. This option will prevent the procedure to attempt JSON parsing the response from etcd, returning the raw data directly instead. In addition, ::etcd::write takes an option called -ignore (or -noval, they are synonyms) that will not send the value. This is meant to be used for directory creation.

Simple Example

Given these options and mechanisms, and with knowledge of the etcd API Documentation, instead of calling ::etcd::rmdir, you could call ::etcd::delete as follows:

::etcd::delete $cx /onedir/subdir -raw dir true

In fact this is exactly how the implementation of ::etcd::rmdir looks like!

Advanced etcd API

Based on these low-level behaviours, benefiting from the atomic compare and swap features of etcd is examplified below:

# Set value of /onedir/akey to 10 only if it was 0 before:
::etcd::write /onedir/akey 10 prevValue 0

# Set value of /onedir/akey to 10 only if it did not exist before
::etcd::write /onedir/akey 10 prevExists false

# Set value of /onedir/akey to 10 only if it was at version 102
::etcd::write /onedir/akey 10 prevIndex 102

Introspection and Instrumentation

Verbosity and Logging

The library supports a logging facility. By default, all verbosity is turned off and the library will be silent. Internally, verbosity is always an integer, the higher, the lesser important the message is. For convenience, string representations are provided, e.g. CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO and DEBUG. These are case insensitive. To access the current verbosity level, call:


To turn full debugging on, you would call the same procedure with an argument, e.g.:

::etcd::verbosity DEBUG

By default, log messages are timestamped and output onto stderr. However, you can call ::etcd::logger with a command and this command will be called back with each message that would be output according to the current verbosity level. The command takes an integer (the verbosity level) and a message as additional arguments.

Finding existing contexts

The procedure ::etcd::find can be used to return a list of matching (existing) contexts that would have been created by ::etcd::new. For example, the following command would return the full list of all known contexts:


While the command below would return all the contexts that are setup with the new IANA port:

::etcd::find -port 2379


An implementation of the etcd API v. 2 in Tcl







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