This Django Module can you help to send Logs directly to Datadog without a dd-agent. It uses the Datadog https log API.
Configure your django logging as follow:
"version": 1,
"disable_existing_loggers": False,
"formatters": {
"datadogjson": {
"()": "django_datadog_logger.formatter.DatadogJsonFormatter"
"handlers": {
"datadog": {
"class": "django_datadog_logger.handlers.DatadogHandler",
"host": "", # or
"api_key": os.environ.get("DD_API_KEY"), # Your datadog API KEY
"parameters": {
"ddtags": "environment:demo",
"ddservice": "<YourApplicationName>",
# Add here your additional parameters (Only key value pairs allowed)
"formatter": "datadogjson"
"loggers": {
"": {
"handlers": ["datadog"],
"level": "DEBUG"
"django": {
"handlers": ["datadog"],
"level": "WARNING"
The JSON Formatter originates from the project: Published under MIT License install the Orginal via: pip3 install json-log-formatter