MERAN UNLP is a ILS (Integrated Library System) wich provides Catalog, Circulation and User's Management. It's written in Perl, and uses Apache2 Web-Server, MySQL database and Sphinx 2 indexing.
Clone the repo, git clone
You can install MERAN it three ways:
- With the Installer (Sandboxed)
- Directly from the sources
- Combined (Sandbox for modules, and sources)
It's mandatory to install MERAN in Debian Squeeze (6.0), other distributions of Linux are unsupported.
- Installer
Once that you have cloned the repo, go to MERAN_REPO/docs/generacionInstalador.
chmod +x
./instalar -i MERAN_ID
And follow the steps. MERAN_ID it's an identifier for the installation, since you can have multiples MERAN installed.
- Directly from the sources
This type of installation is for advanced users.
Once that you have cloned the repo, go to MERAN_REPO/docs/dependenciasInstalacion
chmod +x