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Functions for creating reusable components that accepts styles with breakpoints

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Responsive Style

Functions that take a value or multiple values grouped by breakpoints, and returns an object with CSS declarations and media queries that can be passed to a CSS-in-JS library of choice.

This is utility functions that are designed to be used to create your reuseable components and are to be set up a few times.


npm install responsive-style

For the coming examples we'll be using React the css function from the @emotion/css package. Examples of how to use it with other libraries will come later.

createResponsiveStyle('blue', => color => ({ color }))
// returns ({ color: 'blue' })

createResponsiveStyle(['blue', { 700: 'red' }], color => ({ color }))
/* returns ({
  color: 'blue',
  '@media (min-width: 700px)': {
    color: 'red'

You can also map the values to something else

createResponsiveStyle(color, value => themeColors[value])
createResponsiveStyle(size, textSize => ({ textSize }))
createResponsiveStyle(variant, value => ({
  '--text-color': variant !== 'dark' ? 'black' : 'white',
  backgroundColor: 'var(--text-color)',

If you want to combine multiple values, you can use the responsiveStyles function.

  { color: v => themeColors[v], backgroundColor: v => themeColors[v] },
  { color: 'red', backgroundColor: ['blue', { large: 'orange' }] },
  { breakpoints: { large: 1200 } }


Sometimes you want to allow a style like margin or padding to be expressed like:

{ margin: 4 }
{ margin: '30px auto' }
{ margin: { top: 4, x: 'auto' } }
{ margin: [{ y: 8 }, { 400: { top: 20 }}] }

Create a reuseable mapping function that you use in your base components, or use the one provided with in this package.

import { marginMapper, paddingMapper, borderMapper, createResponsiveStyle } from 'responsive-style'
createResponsiveStyle(margin, marginMapper)
createResponsiveStyle(padding, paddingMapper)
createResponsiveStyle(border, borderMapper)

Media queries

Media queries can either be written manually:

  { color: 'black' },
    '@media (min-width: 700px) and (prefers-color-scheme: dark)': {
      color: 'white',

or by just passing a number as a breakpoint:

[{ color: 'red', { 500: { color: 'blue' }}}]

By default those breakpoints assume you implement mobile first, thus the breakpoints are set in (min-width: [breakpoint]px). This can be changed in (options)[#options].

Predefined media queries

If you pass predefined media queries in (options)[#options] you can set them by breakpoint names instead:

const breakpoints = {
  large: 1200,
  medium: 600,
  small: 460,
type Breakpoint = typeof breakpoints

function Text({ color }: { color: ResponsiveStyle<keyof typeof themeColors, Breakpoints> }) {
  return (
      className={css(createResponsiveStyle(color, value => themeColors[value], { breakpoints }))}

;<Text color={['purple-20', { large: 'orange-20' }]} />

Media query collisions

If you merge responsive styles to an object like this example:

  ...createResponsiveStyle(color, value => themeColors[value]),

If both responsive styles include the same media query, only the last one will be included. Either:

  1. Pass a key as the third argument: createResponsiveStyle(color, value => themeColors[value], 'color')
  2. Use createResponsiveStyles to merge the styles together
  3. Create unique classnames or use a function provided by your styling library that resolves those conflicts:
  cs(css(createResponsiveStyle(display), createResponsiveStyle(textSize)))


This is a basic example of how you can create a reuseable component that can take a color as a prop, or multiple grouped by breakpoints. The rest of the examples will be shown in tsx.

import React from 'react'
import css from 'emotion'
import { createResponsiveStyle } from 'responsive-style'

export default function Text({ color, }) {
  return <div className={css(createResponsiveStyle(color => ({ color })))} {} />
import Text from './Text'

export const Example = () => (
  <Text color={['magenta', { 700: 'criomson', 1200: 'black' }]}>Hello World!</Text>
  .gwe3w {
    color: magenta;
  @media (min-width: 700px) {
    .gwe3w {
      color: criomson;
  @media (min-width: 1200px) {
    .gwe3w {
      color: black;

<div class="gwe3w">Hello World!</div>


Functions for creating reusable components that accepts styles with breakpoints



