An approach for detecting insertions with a deeplearning network.
- python 3.9, numpy, pandas, Matplotlib, TensorFlow 2.7, pysam
conda create -n INSnet python=3.9
conda activate INSnet
conda deactivate
- After creating and activating the INSet virtual environment, download INSnet from github:
git clone
cd INSnet
conda activate INSnet
conda install numpy, pandas, Matplotlib, TensorFlow 2.7, pysam
python generate_feature bamfile_path_long output_data_folder max_work(default:5) includecontig
bamfile_path_long is the path of the alignment file about the reference and the long read set;
output_data_folder is a folder which is used to store evaluation data;
max_work is the number of threads to use;
includecontig is the list of contig to preform detection.(default: [], all contig are used)
eg: python generate_feature ./long_read.bam ./outpath 5 [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]
python call_sv insertion_predict_weight datapath bamfilepath outvcfpath support includecontig
insertion_predict_weight is the path of the model weights;
datapath is a folder which is used to store evaluation data;
bamfilepath is the path of the alignment file about the reference and the long read set;
outvcfpath is the path of output vcf file;
support is min support reads;
includecontig is the list of contig to preform detection.(default: [], all contig are used)
eg: python call_sv ./insertion_weights.h5(ccs_insertion_weights.h5) ./datapath ./long_read.bam ./outvcfpath 10 [12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]
The data can be downloaded from: