Multi Sentences Bi-directional Attention Flow (Multi-BiDAF) network is a model designed to fit the BiDAF model of Seo et al. (2017) for the Multi-RC dataset. This implementation is built on the AllenNLP library.
To install Multi-BiDAF, start by cloning our git repository:
$ git clone
Create a Python 3.6 virtual environment, and install the necessary requirements by running:
$ ./scripts/
(The above is assuming CUDA 9 installed on a linux machine; use a different pytorch version as necessary.)
Once you've installed Multi-BiDAF, you can train our model fully by running:
$ ./scripts/
When you run this it will compute an unified vocabulary for the SQuAD and MultiRC datasets,
pretrain the Multi-BiDAF model on SQuAD, and eventually train the model on MultiRC.
Each of these tasks can be accomplished by running separate scripts
, scripts/
, scripts/
, respectively).
Moreover, you can create a prediction file (adapted to the official MultiRC evaluation script) of the development set by running:
$ ./scripts/